5 Ways to Keep Your Mind Active During Lockdown

Many people are struggling to keep their minds active during the COVID-19 pandemic. Going from being able to go outside, go shopping, meet up with friends and socialize to being confined to the same four walls for weeks on end can be detrimental to a person’s mental health, but doing nothing all day everyday for long periods of time can have a negative impact on your brain.

If your life is hectic and you’re constantly on the go, doing nothing at the weekend is perfectly fine and is actually recommended, but lockdown is a whole other thing and has seen most people sitting at home in front of a screen for days on end. This is no good for the brain; it needs to be stimulated, but that doesn’t mean you to need come up with a master online business plan. Here are five ways you can keep your mind active during lockdown.

1. Read a Book

Nothing gets your mind going quite like reading a book. Imagining scenarios in your head can transport you to another world, and many people find this escapism comforting. Aside from the relaxation that comes with this, reading actually increases your intelligence because in widens your vocabulary. Not only this, reading increases your memory function which can keep your brain sharper for longer. If you don’t like reading, try an audio book instead!

2. Do a Jigsaw Puzzle

Brain teasers are excellent for brain health and really testing the capabilities of your brain, and there’s no better brain teaser than a jigsaw puzzle. This is something you can do by yourself or with your household, ensuring everyone in your house is giving their brain the exercise it needs. Puzzles improve your mental speed and short-term memory. Not only this, they teach patience as you try and figure out what piece goes where, and betters your spatial reasoning.

Since puzzles and games directly interact with your brain, they’re one of the most recommended ways to increase your IQ level. Essentially, intelligence quotient (IQ) refers to the measure of your intellectual intelligence and potential. People with higher IQ levels are more likely to be more intelligent and excel in their respective fields than individuals with average IQ.  

But, how do you know your IQ level? Psychologists have developed various standardized tests to measure one’s IQ level, such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale. However, numerous tests on the web are also available, and to make sure you’re taking a reliable one, choose the best IQ tests recommended by licensed professionals.

3. Learn a Dance Tutorial

What better way to get moving AND improve your brain function at the same time than by dancing? Find a dance tutorial on YouTube and try and commit it to memory. Whether it’s a classic dance routine like the Thriller dance, or if it’s something a bit newer like the Single Ladies dance, getting up and getting moving will improve your memory function, coordination and your physical health because it counts as exercise, except it’s fun so it’s slightly easier to do than a HIIT circuit.

Aside from its cognitive and physical benefits, dancing also boosts your mental and emotional health as it increases your serotonin levels and reduces stress. For more fun dance sessions, consider performing them with your loved ones. 

4. Eat Well

If you’ve put on a bit of lockdown weight and are looking to get it shifted, a diet change is in order. Likewise, if you’re not feeling quite as sharp as you used to, a diet change could also benefit your brain. A good diet that consists of lots of fruit and vegetables can reduce your risk of cognitive decline, and this is especially important when it comes to lowering your risk of developing dementia in older age.

Moreover, it’s best to eat foods that are good for your brain. Don’t forget to include these brain-friendly foods in your everyday diet:  

  • Fatty fish 
  • Broccoli 
  • Dark chocolate 
  • Eggs  
  • Nuts  
  • Blueberries  

Supplying your brain with nutritious foods is key to optimal function. Foods that are rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and omega-3, like those mentioned above, are your best options for boosting overall brain health.  

5. Learn a Language

At this stage of the pandemic, there are lots of people who are looking to really challenge themselves. If this is you, learning a language could be the solution. People who speak a second language have been proven to excel at problem-solving, have better critical thinking skills, increased concentration, better memory and the ability to multi-task. If those benefits weren’t convincing enough, speaking a second language opens you up to be able to communicate with millions more people, and that can be very rewarding indeed.

With so many language options available, why not try learning French online to keep your mind active during lockdown? Not only will language learning provide a challenging mental workout, but it also offers numerous cognitive benefits. By learning a second language, such as French, you can improve your problem-solving, critical thinking, concentration, memory, and multitasking skills. Additionally, being able to communicate with a wider range of people is an enriching and rewarding experience.

Final Thoughts

These are just five ways you can keep your brain active, but remember it’s perfectly okay to do nothing and there’s no pressure to do anything completely left-field during lockdown. Stimulating yourself could help with your mental health and wellbeing, but it’s equally as important to take time to do nothing, too.

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