Reasons To Consider NAD+ IV Therapy

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a helper coenzyme found in your body and promotes healthy functioning and overall well-being. It is responsible for protecting your DNA, boosting metabolism, and maintaining your overall health. NAD+ coenzymes are manufactured naturally in the body from the food you eat. But the unfortunate fact is that NAD+ is also age-dependent. That means your NAD+ levels decline as you age, and the older you get, the less NAD+ is naturally available to keep your body functioning optimally.

NAD+ depletion or loss is also accelerated by inflammation, oxidative stress, and toxicant exposure. Since NAD+ plays a vital role in producing energy, low NAD+ levels are often associated with fatigue, soreness after exercise, brain fogginess, and digestive issues. If you experience such symptoms, you may benefit from NAD treatment San Diego.

Currently, NAD+ iv treatment is one of the favorite iv therapies for many people due to the wide range of benefits it provides. They include:

It activates enzymes that enhance healthy aging

According to research, increased NAD+ levels in your body activate the enzymes that promote healthy aging. NAD+ acts as a helper molecule for proteins known as sirtuins which boost stress resistance, repair damaged DNA, reduce inflammation and slow the aging process. The enzymes also increase the lifespan-extending benefits of calorie restrictions. That is why many people think of NAD+ iv treatment as an anti-aging remedy.

It promotes healthy brain functioning.

One of the roles of NAD+ is to promote healthy aging of your brain cells. NAD+ helps control the production of a protein known as PCG-1-alpha in the brain cells responsible for protecting the brain against oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction associated with diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

According to another study, NAD+ is also active in the brain. It protects the brain cells from losing a substance known as myelin which enables fast communications from cell to cell. That means it may be acting as a neurotransmitter in the brain. As a result, NAD+ iv therapy promotes healthy cognitive functioning giving you benefits like improved concentration, focus, and mental clarity.

It reverses age related symptoms

Age-related symptoms include slow cognitive processing, forgetfulness, low concentration levels, and susceptibility to age-related health conditions. With age, the veins in your body continue to die off, which restricts the amount of blood that flows around your body. Less blood flow leads to the loss of a youthful appearance, triggering fine lines and wrinkles on your skin. Thankfully NAD+ iv treatment has been found to reverse such aging-related effects helping you achieve a youthful appearance even at an old age.

It protects and repairs DNA.

Another advantage of NAD+ iv treatment is that it helps in protecting and repairing DNA. Typically, aging interferes with the body’s ability to convert DNA into proteins. With old age, you are more vulnerable to mutations, and scientists have suggested that it might be due to the age-related declines in NAD+ levels. NAD+ helps the mitochondria fold proteins into suitable shapes, regulates proteins, and is responsible for repairing and protecting DNA. The idea behind it is that faulty DNA repair mechanisms are linked to cell death; therefore, NAD iv treatment can help promote cell survival and lower the risks of cancer.

It helps with muscle protection and recovery.

According to iv therapy experts at livv natural, NAD+ iv therapy provides better protection to your muscles and reduces fragility as you age. The principle behind it is that losing blood vessels as you age also affects your muscles. NAD plays the role of helping your muscles and blood vessels communicate. Therefore, when your NAD+ levels decline as you age, that impacts your muscles in addition to receiving less blood. But there is good news. Getting NAD+ iv treatment can replace the lost amounts of NAD, enabling your muscles and blood vessels to communicate well.

It promotes weight loss.

The effect of NAD on metabolism is one of the extensively studied benefits of NAD. Metabolism converts food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which you use as energy. NAD+ aids in producing ATP, increasing your energy levels, which accelerates metabolism reactions. That ensures you are using up the food you eat efficiently. Ideally, the faster the metabolism, the quicker your body burns calories. Therefore getting regular doses of NAD+ iv therapy can keep your metabolism rates high, enabling you to lose excessive weight.

It lowers your susceptibility to heart disease.

Old age is a risk factor for many chronic health conditions, including heart disease. As you age, the blood vessels in your heart are likely to become less flexible, thicker, and stiffer, which can make your heart work extra hard, raising blood pressure levels. But NAD+ is also linked to a low risk of heart disease because it reverses the age-related changes to the arteries. Increased NAD+ levels reduce the stiffness in the heart blood vessels and lower the systolic blood pressure in adults susceptible to high blood pressure.

It helps in addiction treatment.

Another benefit of NAD+ iv therapy is that it is used in addiction recovery treatment alongside other medicines. Many addiction patients experience the challenge of dealing with withdrawal symptoms which also affect the brain. Thankfully, NAD treatment lowers the substance cravings and reduces withdrawal symptoms in people recovering from an addiction. Even better, it can repair the brain cells and nerves damaged during the addiction leading to a healthier body and mind.

Mitigates depression

Many people report an elevated mood after undergoing NAD+ iv infusion. What happens is that NAD+ improves the levels of a hormone known as serotonin in the brain, which is a happy molecule capable of altering depression. It also reduces stress, anxiety, and bipolar disorder symptoms. However, you should not replace your regular medication with NAD+ iv therapy without consulting your physician.

It boosts the overall well-being.

Last but not least, getting NAD+ iv treatment enhances your general well-being. NAD reverses aging symptoms and improves the look of your skin, makes your hair and nails thicker, protects and repairs DNA, etc., contributing to your overall health and well-being.

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