The Link Between Allergies and Sore Throat

Have you ever wondered why an Otolaryngologist, colloquially referred to as an ENT specialist, named so? The answer is crystal clear from the title itself. Your throat, nose, ear are all connected. If any one of the trios is dis-functioning; high chances the other two join in.

Seasonal allergies are highly exasperating. We all are aware of the cues of allergies like runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and itchiness. But when you feel discomfort in the throat, it can be perplexing.

Is your throat tickling because of an allergy or is it a sign of something else?

With the Pandemic round the corner, the confusion has increased. A tickle in the throat sends people into the anxiety of falling prey to Covid-19 or Omicron. A huge dilemma that people face is- Should I approach the doctor for this? Or is it just a common cough?

Allergies are seldom paired with throat issues, which is why it’s difficult to determine why the throat irritation is occurring. You need to recognize the cause of throat discomfort so you look for appropriate treatment. Some people are afraid to visit a doctor because of COVID – 19 but you can take the help of virtual healthcare professionals.

Let’s talk about a few signs that help you distinguish between sore throat from allergies and sore throat as a result of anything else like flu, Covid-19, etc.

Can allergies be a cause of Sore throat?

Allergies send prominent signals. When a foreign particle that you’re allergic to enters your body, the immediate response begins. Your body recognizes the invading substance and the immune system begins an inflammatory action against the foreign body protein.

The inflammatory response results in the production of mucus, which causes a runny nose or congestion. This drains into the throat affecting it since the ears, nose, and throat are interconnected. This can cause discomfort to your throat and you can safely guess it’s because of an allergy.

The drainage of mucus into the throat is called the post-nasal drip, which is the major cause of allergy-induced throat discomfort. This can result in coughing, difficulty speaking, throat irritation etc.

Generally, allergies are seasonal. Allergens could include pollen, dust mite, pet dander, and cigarette smoke.

How to differentiate between cold/infection and allergy?

With Covid-19 and Omicron, everyone’s baffled when they have a cough or they sneeze. Here’s how you recognize the root of the problem.

  • Allergy symptoms pop up right after you’re exposed to an allergen; the cold usually starts spreading at a slow pace.
  • Allergies tend to last longer, are chronic, and are seasonal whereas cold lasts for a maximum of two weeks.
  • Another differentiating factor is that if the sore throat starts escalating to fever chills, or body aches, it might be a symptom of infection. Allergies and colds aren’t exclusive though, sometimes they overlap and this requires you to see your doctor.

Treating sore throat caused by allergies

As it is widely said “Prevention is always better than cure”, so if you’re prone to allergies and are aware of the allergens, make your best effort to avoid them. Wearing a mask, avoiding places of allergens might not always suffice. This is where allergy shots and medications come in.

Allergy shots work a lot like vaccines. After recognizing the allergen; a regimen consisting of a small dosage of the allergen is introduced into the body, which eventually gets the body accustomed to it. This can, in the long run, help you sustain a symptom-free life. 

Generally, people require one to two shots per week for a duration of 6 months, they are the buildup shots. Monthly maintenance requires the shots for about 3 to 5 years.

Medications should not be consumed without consulting a doctor. Only prescribed drugs should be consumed to ease or get rid of allergies. Generic medicines might react negatively with the allergy, hence never employ self-medications.

Home Remedies

Natural remedies can’t really waive off the allergy but they can be helpful in providing timely relief.  The three most common natural remedies are water, warm liquids, and Neti Pots.

The solution to so many of our issues is being hydrated. Dryness can intensify the sore throat. Water is often recommended for congestion. Fluids keep the throat moist and also keep the mucus from thickening.

Warm liquids soothe the throat. Drinking tea and soups can be comforting. Caffeine, however, could act as an irritant.

Neti Pot involves pouring the saltwater mixture into the nasal cavity. This mitigates congestion by flushing out sinuses.

By reducing exposure to allergens, allergy-induced sore throat can be dealt with easily. Allergies can be highly annoying and can disrupt your everyday life. If not attended to in time, they might cause further severe issues.

Today, a sore throat gets everyone dubious like it never did before. Once you recognize the thin line of difference between sore throat due to allergy and sore throat due to infection, you can keep away your skepticism and be guarded against misdiagnosis.

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