5 Ways Living Sober Changes Your Life

There are countless benefits to sober living. From financial stability to better physical health, these are just a few advantages to impact your life. Once you start the journey down the path of sobriety, there is more to get in life. If you’re interested in beginning your sobriety journey, read on to learn how living sober will change your life.

You Get Time for What You love

Let’s face it, we all work hard: whether it’s a full-time or part-time job. Most of us clock in between 40 or more hours a week to put food on the table. And yet there never seems to be enough time in our days. When you decide to live sober, you’re unsure what to expect: would you get more time? The answer is yes! Living sober will give you back many of those lost hours you spent drinking with friends, at bars, or out on dates. Now you can get up early and go for a run before heading to work. After work, you have time for your family. While you may not wake up at 5 am every day after giving up alcohol, you will undoubtedly spend less time at bars and restaurants — and more time doing things you love.

Your Relationships are Better

When in college, you spend much of your time drinking with all of your friends. You would party together and have a good time, but most of those friendships have fizzled out now that they’re grown-ups. At first, you’ll miss hanging out with them, but once you get sober and stay that way, it becomes clear how much you feel happier spending time with sober people. Your relationships are better and more meaningful than when you were drinking.

Life is More Fulfilling

In sober living, you’re in a community of people who want to live a better and healthier lifestyle. Being around those with similar desires is incredibly uplifting. Living sober brings meaning back into your life, which results in more fulfilling relationships and interactions with others. In other words, being sober leads to happiness. And isn’t that what you want?

You Get in Touch with Whom You’ve Become

Your old life isn’t gone — it’s just that you’re not that anymore. You can take your past experiences with you — they aren’t going to fade into nothingness. But you have to let go of them because it’s when you let go that they stop weighing on your shoulders.

You Don’t Judge Others

In sober living communities, it’s not uncommon to find people who have drastically different values. If you’re not careful, you might judge a new acquaintance because they look at things differently than you do. One of the most valuable lessons you’ll learn while in recovery is that there is no room for judgment. You will change your opinion after you give others a chance!


Living sober may have been one of the toughest challenges you’ll experience. It will terrify you at first, and you can doubt whether you’ll succeed. But with a plan and a little bit of support, it’s an experience that will hopefully change your life. With sobriety comes new opportunities; you have to give them a chance.

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