Five Mental Health Wellness Trends Employers Can Follow in 2022

One of the major concerns for employers recently is the mental health of their employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It caused burnout and anxiety to many employees all around the globe, especially because most of them were not familiar with the concept of working from home. It was a tough task for many people to fulfill their professional responsibilities while dealing with distractions at home. Although things are under control now, the mental health of employees is still a big issue. Some countries suffered the effect of the pandemic much more than others. For instance, research indicates that in Australia, psychological distress levels surged significantly in adults aged 18-45 in April 2021. 

Employers are responsible for addressing the root cause of the mental issues of their employees. They need to take the right measures because, eventually, it will affect the productivity of their business. Employees are the biggest asset of any company; if they are not in the right mental state, you cannot expect your company to grow. Without further ado, let’s find out some of the mental health wellness trends employers can follow in 2022.

Employer-provided Mental Health Support

As an employer, one of the major trends you need to look for is mental health programs. According to a research study, around 90% of employers have stated that they will be looking to invest in mental health programs this year. The desired outcome of these programs is to improve the mental well-being of employees so that they can give their best at work. For example, if your business is based in any part of Australia, consider organizing Open Change corporate guest speaking sessions. Similarly, you can look for available options according to your state or city to arrange mental health programs. It will create awareness among employees about mental health issues that will boost their performance. Eventually, it will improve your company’s operational efficiency and help you accomplish your business goals with a dedicated and focused team. Also, it will help you gain the loyalty of your employees as they will start acknowledging your efforts to help them.

Flexible Work Policies

It is expected that companies will introduce flexible work policies to ensure the mental health stability of their employees. Providing expanded options and control for work will boost the morale of employees and allow them to perform duties at their convenience.

Employees now prefer flexible working hours that enable them to fulfill their responsibilities efficiently and greatly impact their mental health. In a survey, over 69% of employees stated that flexible work policy such as remote work is very important for them to maintain good mental health. Flexible work policies are also beneficial for employers as it helps to cut down costs of workspace, improve productivity, and ensure low turnover.

Many of the employees were working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, it was pretty tough for everyone to deliver work from home, but it became a feasible option with time. Many employees want to retain this option even now when things are normal because it helps them maintain a better work-life balance.

Virtual Assistance From Doctors

Industry leaders are thinking of providing remote access to mental health experts to provide assistance to employees. After weeks and months of extreme workloads, it can be exhausting and frustrating for employees to keep working at a similar pace. They require assistance from specialists by telemedicine resources, and according to a study, over 80% of employers are ready to invest in this trend.

Getting virtual assistance from mental health professionals will allow employees to identify the root cause of their issues. Also, it will help them keep their nerves calm while dealing with mental health problems, so it does not affect their performance.

Good Mental Health Education

Mental health issues have increased dramatically and have become a huge concern for employers. Therefore, it has become crucial to provide the right education. When people start feeling depressed and burned out at the workplace, they do not know how to get rid of it. That is where mental health literacy becomes essential, so it is expected that employers in 2022 will focus on this area.

In order to create awareness among employees about mental health issues, the managers need the right training. They spend the most time with employees, so they can identify individuals having mental health issues. After spotting employees, it is important to provide them with an action plan that can address mental health problems and the proper solutions.

Also, it is important to regularly conduct educational seminars and sessions to explain the symptoms of mental health issues and how to overcome them. Employers also must consider what solutions can be the best fit for their employees according to their issues and mental state.

Developing Workplace Structure to Prevent Burnout

One of the major causes of mental health issues is burnout, so employers need to take the right steps to prevent it. According to a research study, over 50% of employees dealing with mental health problems have reported going through burnout.

Hence, employers are now trying to build policies to keep a check on employees regularly to know how they are feeling. Also, managers are encouraged to stay in touch with employees regularly regarding their physical and mental health. Such candid communication can help to identify issues before the condition of employees gets worse.

Burnout has also become one of the major reasons for resignations worldwide. Hiring new resources with the same capabilities and skills is not an easy task for any organization. So, prevention of burnout will help improve the mental health of employees and retain them. It will also help to identify the shortfalls of the organization that causes burnout issues among employees.


Mental health problems can be one of the biggest obstacles to the progress of any organization. It not only affects employees but also the productivity of companies, eventually causing a decline in business. Employers are responsible for addressing mental issues and creating policies that can provide effective solutions to employees. From educating employees to making flexible work policies, they need to consider different factors. It will not only keep their employees in a perfect mental state but will also help them to achieve their business objectives efficiently.

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