How to Lose Fat Pad Properly?

Fat pad is the fat on the lower belly. I think we can all agree that getting rid of it can be a hassle, it just doesn’t go away no matter how much we try .

Now, keep in mind that spot reduction will not work for this one, even science proved that. But don’t worry, you can cut this fat by cardio and strength training.

So to kick this fat out of your belly, get ready for some life-changing habits. We will show you how to lose fat pad properly.

The Misconceptions

Here’s the deal:

You can see many advertisements saying abs exercises and abdomen machines can help you lose fat pad.

As good as it sounds, it is not valid, spot reduction is only a myth.

I have reduced my fat percentage by 6% in 2 months and heard a lot of advice from personal trainers.

From my own experiences, I can guarantee you those abs workouts build muscles but barely burns any fat.

Then how to lose fat pad properly? Well, you have to reduce your body fat as a whole! Which means less calorie intake and more regular exercises.

How to Lose Fat Pad Properly

I will walk you through the whole process. It will not only help you lose fat pad and improve your physical appearance, but also makes you a healthier, happier person.

So believe me, it’s worth a try ! But you have to make this your routine. Work hard, don’t lack off, and you will achieve your dream body ASAP!


Many coaches and personal trainers agree that you need to do cardio at least 300 minutes per week if you want to lose weight (especially fat pad).

Note that there should be 5 days of cardio in a week, which would be  an hour per day. Feel free to split a session into 3 sets and do them throughout the day.

For beginners, you should get used to the exercises at first, it may take 2-6 weeks depending on your physical strength and body structure . After that, you can adjust the level of intensity of your cardio workouts, and you can even try HIIT workouts.

It sounds like a lot of work, and in a way, it is. But there is some good news here! For cardio, you can choose the way you do the exercises. For example, you can choose to walk 5km on a treadmill, down the streets, or in the park, it’s your choice.

Strength Training

Remember, just cardio alone is not an ideal method to lose fat pad properly, you must combine it with strength training. These exercises increase your resistance and help you get in shape.

Personal trainers recommend 3-4 days of strength training a week, and each workout should last 20-30 minutes.

I know that you might want to prolong the exercises in order to gain the best results faster. Still, note that more is not always good, you can end up tearing your muscles if you push yourself too hard. 

If you are a beginner, start with bodyweight training. Why? It lets your body get used to the exercises, and you can do it anywhere.

Now here’s the interesting thing, in the next 24-48 hours after the workout, your body will start burning fat and building muscles on its own.

Amazing right?

But this is also why you should rest for at least 48 hours before you work on the same muscles again.

Nutrition – Low-Calorie Diets

Here’s the kicker:

When it comes to how to lose fat pad properly, what you eat decides up to 80-90% of the result.

What it means is, you will need to have a diet plan.

What I recommend is a Low-Calorie diet, science has proved that it is beneficial, but it takes effort.

So what is a Low-Calorie diet?

It’s a diet that restricts the energy  intake per day down to 1200-1600 calories for men and 1000-1200 calories for women.

What you take in your body should be protein-packed food like veggies, white meat, and whole grains. They have low calorie rates and make you feel full faster.

Ways to Stay Motivated

Even after you get rid of the fat pad, you still have to maintain this process to keep it away for good. That is how to lose fat pad properly.

It’s not easy. We’ve all been there.

Especially for the first 2-6 weeks, you will feel tired and want to quit. But don’t! When your body has adapted to all the training and diet, it will get better.

Here are some ways to make the process easier:

  • Get a workout buddy: the workout would be a lot more enjoyable when you have a friend to do it with.
  • Prep your meals: too busy to cook? Prepare your lunch for the whole week in one day and store them in the fridge.
  • Download apps: There are many workout apps out there that will make plans for you. And you know everything is more effective with a plan.

Let’s Wrap It Up

The bottom line is, combining the right exercises with the right diet is how to lose fat pad. But, turning that combination into a lifestyle is how to lose fat pad properly.

I hope my article can help you get rid of fat pad effectively and safely. I’d love to hear your opinions and stories in the comment section.

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