Hair Loss Explained: Causes & Preventative Measures

Hair loss is incredibly common, and contrary to popular belief, it can affect both men and women. It usually goes undetected in the initial stages, only becoming apparent after a significant amount of your hair has already fallen out. Losing your hair, regardless of your gender, can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Hair loss is common, and as such, there are a few different remedies that you can explore to restore your hair and your confidence, so let’s get into it.

The Causes

Shedding hair is completely normal; most people tend to lose up to a hundred strands a day. Any more than that, and it could be indicative of hair loss. There are several causes of hair loss. Firstly, the most common cause of hair loss is genetics, it is often hereditary, and it usually follows a pattern which begins with a receding hairline. However, hair loss can also be triggered by illness or trauma. In these cases, the hair growth cycle is dramatically elevated, which leads to increased shedding, and the hair very quickly becomes thin. However, this often passes in its own time, and once it has run its course, the hair does begin to grow back normally.

Your diet can also affect the rate of hair growth. Crash dieting and eating disorders lead to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies which affect the hair. As a result, the hair becomes more brittle and sheds more easily. However, dietary changes can remedy this and encourage normal regrowth. Finally, stress can also trigger hair loss. For the most part, the stress has to be continual or chronic to disrupt the hair growth cycle. Stress management techniques can help to reverse hair loss and prompt the hair growth cycle to return to normal.

What to Look for

If you are concerned that you are losing your hair or experiencing hair loss, then there are a few signs that you might want to watch out for. Although, for the most part, hair loss follows a pattern, if you are experiencing random spots of thinning or hair loss, then you might want to visit your doctor because it could be emblematic of a larger health issue. If you notice thinning at the temples or a receding hairline, then this is likely to be indicative of bog-standard hair loss.

In addition to the thinning, you might notice that your hair is more brittle and prone to breakage. You might also notice that you shed more when washing, brushing or styling your hair. Finally, if your hair loss is due to a medical reason, you might also experience pain or itchiness either before or during the hair loss, which would again suggest that you need to visit your doctor.

What You Can Do

If you think you are losing your hair, then there are a few things that you can do to slow down or even halt the process, regardless of the cause of your hair loss. However, it cannot put off the inevitable; eventually, the methods will lose their efficacy, and you might need to explore other treatments. First things first, you should start with your diet. Some forms of hair loss can be exacerbated by a nutritional deficiency, and by overhauling your diet, you can help to remedy this. In addition, you might want to consider supplements to ensure you are fulfilling your vitamin requirements and getting enough iron, omega-three, and zinc too.

If your hair loss has been triggered or sped up by stress, then you should also think about how you can better manage your stress. First, you need to look for ways to minimise your stressors. You could do this by meditating, taking up a new hobby or giving self-care techniques a try. Stress management will help your mental health as well as slow the hair loss.

Finally, you might also want to put some thought into the way in which you treat your hair. The styling and washing process can increase damage. There are a few styles that can put more strain on the follicles and cause traction alopecia – just think of JoJo Siwa’s ponytail and the hairline she has as a result. Heat styling is also widely accepted to be bad for the hair too. You should always use heat protectant spray, use your heat styling products on a lower heat setting and avoid pulling the hair too tightly.

The Takeaway

Hair loss is incredibly common, especially in men, although it does affect women too. In order to slow the progress, you need to catch the hair loss early, although the truth is that it only becomes more obvious once a significant percentage of the hair has already been shed. Taking preventative measures will help slow or halt the progress of the hair loss and give you some more time to come up with a permanent solution, whether a strategic hair cut or a hair transplant.

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