Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people every day. It can be difficult to treat and manage, even on the best of days. Through therapy, antidepressants, and regular treatment, some people can keep it in check. But lately, the idea of using marijuana to treat depression has led to studies on the efficacy of cannabis to ease depression symptoms. Licensed doctors who recommend or prescribe medical marijuana in various States can offer their patients assistance in this regard. Here’s a short guy on how marijuana helps with depression and the process doctors use to recommend it.
Depression Affects Millions of People Every Day
Let’s face it: most of us have dealt with depression at some point or another. It’s a horrible, debilitating thing that adversely impacts everything in our lives. Sadness, disinterest, irritability, fatigue, a lack of focus, and other problems all come with the territory. With depression being such a prevalent problem these days, there are numerous treatments available including medication, therapy, and CBD/medical marijuana. Addressing depression is challenging, but medical marijuana is demonstrating itself to be a useful tool in helping those affected by depression today.
The Link Between Depression and Cannabis
Here’s an interesting statistic for you. If you’re already depressed, you’re twice as likely to use marijuana as somebody else. Of course, this applies to recreational marijuana—which is still not legal in many states—and not medical marijuana. Some studies and scientists believe that excessive use of marijuana might actually contribute to the mood disorder instead of treating it. Now, marijuana can help alleviate some symptoms of depression but excessive use of it is not going to make things better. That’s one of the reasons the FDA has yet to approve medical marijuana as a viable depression treatment.
How Medical Marijuana Helps With Depression
On the other side of the coin, medical marijuana in small doses does help with depression. Medical marijuana doesn’t get you high, which is part of the reason why it’s more effective. Being high impairs you and can impact your mood. CBD reduces inflammation and interacts with the endocannabinoid system in beneficial ways. In more recent studies, marijuana has been shown to provide quick relief from depression symptoms. In a recent study, cannabis users had a lower rate of depression than non-cannabis heaters. By using products with CBD, THC, or a combination of both in the study, scientists were able to draw some conclusions about how cannabis use affects depression. They reported that many users had a better quality of life, fewer instances of pain, reduced symptoms, and slept better overall. Although this is not conclusive, it is a promising start to what is sure to be an exciting future for treating depression with cannabis.
Finding A Licensed Doctor
In most states that allow medical marijuana, there are three vital parts of the process for getting a prescription: having a qualifying condition, speaking with a licensed doctor, and registering for a medical marijuana card. Every state is different, of course. If you’re wondering how to find a licensed doctor, you can check the database for your state or simply search “marijuana doctors near me” with your location turned on. This will provide access to search results to help you find the right doctor to recommend medical marijuana for your depression.
Evaluations will determine whether marijuana is a viable treatment for depression or not. The doctor will ask a series of questions and make a determination. It’s essential to answer questions honestly, be as transparent as possible, and explain your symptoms fully. A licensed doctor should be fully knowledgeable about how marijuana interacts with the system and helps patients. Medical marijuana doesn’t get patients high but can be helpful for treating certain elements. A patient should be able to speak with their doctor candidly without fear of reprisal. They should also have high expectations of their doctors in the respect that they know what they’re talking about and can help guide them in the right direction. Whether using marijuana to treat depression is the right course of action for you will ultimately be between you and the doctor. That’s why it’s so critical to get this right every time.