Dementia Care: 5 Ways to Keep Your Loved One Active and Involved

Dementia care throws so many curveballs that it sometimes feels like you never have time to take things slow or enjoy life rather than being an obstacle. However, it’s important to remember that your loved ones are still here, and there’s plenty to learn from them.

Here are five ways to keep your loved one active and involved in the community so you can enjoy life together.

1. Arts & Crafts

People who have dementia tend to forget the past, sometimes even their own names. This can make it difficult for them to recognize faces and remember essential things from their past, like a hobby or something they once enjoyed doing. Dementia care is about keeping your loved ones engaged; many activities can do just that. Painting with clay is a great example of an activity that keeps your loved ones busy while at the same time being able to be preserved when people they love visit them later on.

2. Specialist Memory Care Services

There are always ways to keep your loved one engaged. While you may be busy, specialist memory care services can help you and your loved ones while they remain home. For instance, the fact that your loved one forgets who they are can make everyday tasks challenging. Specialist care can come in handy here and help moderate some of the challenges that come with dementia while offering invaluable support to you.

Furthermore, if and when caring for your elderly relative becomes too challenging, there are assisted living and nursing facilities that offer memory care services. Some provide respite care and long-term accommodation. Try searching memory care St. Louis to find local facilities.

3. Country Life

Despite the technology and modern lifestyle that’s more available, there’s still a lot to be said for country life in rural areas. Rural living offers a bit of seclusion that can be good for people dealing with dementia as they are less likely to have the same issues others suffer with. In addition, many rural communities offer activities that connect people, like parades or festivals, giving them something they enjoy while also being able to participate.

4. Gardening

We tend to think of gardening as a chore, something you must do to get out of the house. Yet gardening is much more than that. It helps your loved ones relax and stay active while also providing exercise. If your loved one is old enough, it’s best to start simple by walking in the garden. Even just a few steps per day could keep them stimulated and alert for hours when needed.

5. Reminisce

The mind tends to focus on things it feels as if it should remember and leave out what it doesn’t consider relevant or important. This is why reminiscence therapy is so effective for people with dementia and their caregivers alike, as it allows them to discuss the past without feeling stressed about recalling details.

As you can see, there are plenty of creative ways to keep your loved one engaged. Regardless of the challenges that come with dementia, it’s important to remember that they’re still here and have a life to live. By taking the time to be creative with memory care activities, you can learn a lot about each other and strengthen your ties.

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