Recycling Tips for Your Chicago Apartment Living

With all the facilities and natural beauties, Chicago is ideal for starting our life and family. While you were looking for Chicago apartments for rent, you might have noticed that the city is pretty clean and well-maintained. The authorities try their best to offer a neat and clean city for the residents. But the residents should also take part in this.

Here are some recycling tips for your apartment in Chicago-

Start with the Minor Items

While collecting items to recycle, it is the best way to gather the tiny and light stuff. Things like plastic, paper, cans, or foils can be tiny, but they are the best recycling items. Most of the recycling services, such as the Chicago city’s recycling service, accept these items. But make sure that they are actually in a good state. For example, the papers shouldn’t be wet, and the cans should be aerosol free.

Find a Proper Drop-off Location

You need to drop your recyclable items at a proper drop-off point in the neighborhood. Apparently, according to the law, your apartment building must have separate containers for both trash and recyclable items. If they don’t, you should discuss this with the owner. In the meantime, find a nearby drop-off point. If your apartment has drop-off containers, then drop your items there regularly to avoid getting many messes in your apartment.

Different Items

For different items, you may need to take different measures. If your apartment doesn’t have a drop-off and you need to stack your recyclable items at home, then fold them properly to save space before putting your paper or cardboard items in the bin. Plastic bottles and containers are ideally reusable. You will be amazed as you research new ways to reuse plastic items. But if you want to get rid of them, you can keep them in a separate bag, as they take up much space in a bin. When giving your metal cans or foil trays for recycling, you need to be sure that the aerosol is empty. In Chicago, you are only allowed to recycle glass bottles and jars. Plates or glassware will be considered trash.

Inform Your Landlord

If your landlord is neglecting to recycle, it should be your duty to inform them about the laws and regulations on this matter in Chicago. Also, tell them to keep separate containers for trashes and recyclable items required by the law. Recycling is a must-to-do task in Chicago since 1995. Neglecting it will result in a huge amount of fine for the apartment building. If your landlord still ignores the facts, you can call 311 to report it to the authorities.


As you are working on recycling your items, you should also encourage others to do it. By talking with your neighbors about this and making them aware of all the recyclable options available in Chicago, you will do a great job of keeping the place beautiful. According to research, many residents in Chicago are willing to recycle, but their apartment owners do not provide them with the facilities. You can inform them if you find any perfect drop-off location in the area.

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