How to Deal with UTIs

UTIs – or urinary tract infections – are something that most women dread. It’s also something that many women feel embarrassed about. But here’s the thing – there’s no reason to be ashamed! Most women will experience a urinary tract infection at least once in their life, and UTIs in women are more frequent than UTIs in men. However, if you’ve never had to deal with one before, it can be quite intimidating, which is why we’ve put together this helpful guide to help you deal with a UTI. Keep in mind that, while UTIs are normal, if it’s an ongoing problem, you may need to see an expert to help you.

Get medication

Luckily, there are many different types of medications out there for UTIs. And, for most of them, you don’t even need a prescription. These medications can be taken orally, or come in the form of a cream that you can apply to help ease your discomfort. UTIs can be uncomfortable and painful, so UTI pain relief should be your number one priority. As soon as you realize you have a UTI, you should try and get medication. In fact, it may even be a good idea to keep some on hand for the future.

Go the natural way

If you’re not a fan of medication, or if you are on medication but still want to take some extra steps, there are a few natural ways to get rid of UTIs. Keep in mind that many of these natural remedies have not been proven to work, so don’t put all your faith in them. However, UTIs can often be caused by what you eat, your hygiene practices, or by what you wear. So, be sure to consume lots of veggies, be hygienic all the time, and avoid tight clothes on your lower half. Also be sure to do research before making any dietary changes such as doing the Keto diet.

See a doctor

While over-the-counter medication may be enough to clear up most UTIs, sometimes, antibiotics will be needed to do fully get rid of the problem. That’s no problem – a quick trip to your doctor should be enough to get the right medication. It can be hard to talk to your doctor about certain topics, so you can click here for some tips on dealing with that. Also be sure to mention to your doctor if this is an ongoing problem, so that they know if they need to refer you to a specialist

Avoid it

We all know avoidance is better than cure, and if you’ve had a UTI, it’s likely not something you want to experience again. While it can happen no matter how hard you try to avoid it, there are a few things you can do to lessen your chances of getting a UTI in the future. As mentioned, you should focus on what you eat, and also drink a lot of water. Be sure to practice proper hygiene at all times. And, finally, try to avoid wearing tight underwear or pants for a long duration. It’s also a good idea to wear breathable underwear, as it can help aid in preventing UTIs.

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