Ingredients to Check When Buying a Prostate Supplement for Better Health

It’s vital to know what you’re putting into your body at all times, especially when it comes to supplements supposed to improve your overall health. Learning about the ingredients can help you make an informed decision when you’re in the market for a prostate supplement.

Besides knowing the ingredients, you also have to consider where these ingredients are sourced from. Prostate supplement companies like Prostagenix source and use the finest raw materials for their supplements which undergo various processes for effective results.


Found most commonly in plants, the compound Beta-Sitosterol is used to lower cholesterol and improve symptoms of an enlarged prostate. It functions by limiting how much cholesterol enters the body and can bind to the prostate to reduce inflammation and other symptoms.

It has also been shown to improve urine problems and ensure that people sleep throughout the night without waking up for bathroom breaks. There is also evidence pointing towards it affecting easier urine flow with individuals who have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

Beta-Sitosterol is usually derived from a plant known as Saw Palmetto, which can also help reduce hair fall, reduce stress, and shows promise towards increasing libido.

Vitamin and Mineral Extracts

Many vitamins that are speculated to fight against cancer like Vitamin A, D, and C are actively used in many supplements, including the prostate.

These are essential vitamins needed for the normal functioning of your body, but many prostate cancer patients have been recorded having low levels of these specific vitamins.

Minerals like Zinc are also actively used in prostate supplements as they play a crucial role in DNA repair and cell growth. While a high amount of minerals and vitamins aren’t recommended in prostate supplements, a regulated amount can not only help improve your prostate functions but the rest of your body too.

Fruit Extracts

Extracts of fruits like pomegranate are rich in antioxidants and have been speculated to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in the body, especially in the prostate. Most fruit extracts help fight the free radicals in your body, making your body age and functions deteriorate over time.

Other additions like Grape Seed Oil have been shown to have anticancer effects on animal models and have become a recent addition to prostate supplements. The supplements like Prostagenix have a good blend of essential fruit and vitamin extracts combined with Beta-Sitosterol to provide optimal prostate health for the consumer.


A popular herbal extract addition to many prostate supplements, Pygeum is derived from the African Cherry Tree. It doesn’t just help improve prostate functions but has been known to work for kidney ailments and increasing overall health.

It can help ease night urination, pain, and inflammation, particularly with men who suffer from BPH. It has also been noted as one of the top alternative remedies for men with prostate conditions.

Besides helping treat prostate ailments, it is taken by many others in their daily life to reduce general inflammation and improve kidney functioning.

Other Herbal Additions

Many prostate supplements contain various other natural additions that have been known to improve prostate health and a variety of other prostate-related conditions.

Flower pollen extracts are commonly used in supplements for people with chronic prostatitis. It can also help improve the quality of life and the pain individuals may suffer due to various prostate-related ailments.

Nettle root has also long been known to reduce inflammation and lessen pain. It has an abundance of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial agents that help improve urinary tract functions.

In addition, CBD oil also helps you reduce pain and has effective anti-inflammatory effects. According to a reliable source, the composition of this oil will help you not only relieve pain but also improve your mental health thanks to broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD.

Check Your Prostate Supplement’s Ingredients Before You Use Them

When choosing ingredients for your ideal prostate supplements, you want to ensure that you’re not choosing a product that has elements you’re allergic to.

While most prostate supplements are entirely natural, some may be further synthesized in the lab to provide better concentrations of effective compounds like Beta-Sitosterol.

Supplements like Prostagenix take the natural ingredient and put it through four stages to ensure they get maximum concentration and potency for your benefit.

Looking for a supplement that can help ensure optimal prostate health so you can have a higher quality of life and fewer worries daily about your health can be hard. Knowing what’s inside them can help ease your stress and keep you consistent on taking the supplements because you know there’s nothing harmful or dangerous in them.

You may suffer from side effects such as dizziness and fatigue within the first few days of trying a supplement, but they usually disappear. If symptoms persist, stop taking the supplements immediately and consult your doctor on what the cause could be.

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