How to Safely Clean Your Ears & Remove Earwax Blockage to Prevent Eardrum Damage

Earwax is what prevents dust and other harmful particles from entering the ear so that your inner ear and the eardrum remain safe, and you can keep ear infections at bay. However, occasionally cleaning it is desirable as leaving it inside for days together can cause complications and associated problems that may get severe with time.

So, let us find out how you can clean the ear wax safely. But it is always advisable to get it cleaned by a professional so that you do not harm the internal delicate parts of your ears.

Symptoms of ear blockage

Symptoms of ear blockage include ear pain, dizziness, hearing loss although it may be minor, irritation in the ear, and feeling of fullness. Sometimes the ear pain will be severe, and you might have to take painkillers for the same.

Ear wax cleaning – How to do it safely

Getting the ear cleaned by a professional is the best option, however, sometimes you can get the ear cleaned at home by self-care methods. First and foremost, you must make the earwax soft. For this, you can use mineral oil or baby oil with the help of a dropper put a few drops inside your ears as the medical practitioner suggests.

Once the wax inside the ear becomes soft, next with the help of a little warm water and bulb-syringe, you can remove the dirt and debris.

If you are getting it done by the doctor, he might use few instruments like a suction device, forceps, and a spoon-like tool. Not only that, but your doctor is also the best person to know whether there has been any damage inside the ears due to the earwax buildup. So, visit him at the earliest.

What to avoid

If you wish to go for ear wax cleaning at home, there are few methods that you must not opt for. These are as follows-

  1. One of the most common mistakes to avoid for cleaning your ears is using the cotton swab. It does remove a little wax on the outside but in the process, it pushes the remaining inside deep into the ears. The cotton swab can injure your eardrum, the swab might get stuck inside the ears, and most importantly, trying to do it on your own may also delay the process of getting it done from a professional.
  2. Medical practitioners and the FDA or the United States Food and Drug Association have warned that earwax candles may not be the best option for cleaning the ears all by yourself.

When you try to clean the earwax with candles, it is a process in which you must insert a conical cloth that is coated with wax inside the ear canal. While one end is inside the ear, the other end must be burned. However, this is a very risky method and can lead to skin burns, the process might cause fires at home. If you are not skilled enough, it might lead to perforation or hole in the eardrum. As such, it is best to avoid the process and instead get professional help.

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