Different Types of TMS Therapy and Which One Will Work for You

Clayton has a total population of 21,680, and issues like depression and anxiety could inflict anyone. There are lots of different types of TMS therapy. 

Your doctor will recommend the type that best suits your condition, how severe your condition is, and how well other treatments have worked in the past. Ask your doctor to explain the differences between the various forms of TMS treatment in Clayton.

TMS Therapy Using a Figure-8-Shaped Magnet 

This type of treatment uses a large, round stimulator placed over either side of your head to target small areas within both halves of your brain simultaneously. You may receive this form of treatment every day or every other day, depending on which part of the country you’re in.


  • This type of TMS machine is the most powerful and bulkiest machine out of all forms of TMS
  • The magnet makes a loud clicking noise when it’s turned on, which may bother people who are very sensitive to sound
  • The treatment doesn’t target just one area in your brain like other forms of TMS

Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator (dTMS)  

Clayton’s median age is 45, and around 18% of depression patients are from this age group. This form of treatment uses a linear or figure-8 shaped device that delivers energy from one side of your head to the other, down either the left or right side of your brain. 

It’s thought that dTMS machines affect only the part of your brain where it’s been directed, making them more efficient at treating depression than figure-8 devices.


  • Less expensive than other forms of  TMS treatment in Clayton
  • The device directs more energy to a specific part of your brain
  • It may be better at targeting specific areas in your brain, but more research is needed to determine this for sure
  • dTMS therapy is not yet approved by the FDA for treating depression

H coil 

This device looks like a pair of headphones with an insulated wire attached to each earpiece that delivers energy through two magnetic coils pressed against either side of your head. 

It’s thought that the magnetic coils stimulate nerve cells in the region between them known as the hippocampus, which may improve symptoms associated with mood disorders, anxiety, and even physical pain. 

The H coil is available only through clinical trials in most parts of the country at this time. While some doctors will recommend TMS Therapy using H coils for patients who aren’t candidates for figure-8 treatment, bear in mind that this form of TMS Therapy is still experimental. 

Additionally, it will require additional testing and approvals before it becomes available on a broader scale.


  • It may be more effective at treating certain types of depression than figure-8 machines
  • Not yet approved by the FDA for use as a treatment for depression
  • Limited clinical trial locations currently available – check with your doctor to see if one is offered in your region

Will You Have To Take Medication During The TMS Course?

There are pros and cons associated with undergoing concurrent antidepressant therapy during your course of TMS Therapy. On the one hand, many people find that depressive symptoms improve after just a few weeks of TMS Therapy, meaning that they may be able to stop taking antidepressants after a few months of treatment. 

On the other hand, some people don’t get significant relief from their symptoms until they’ve been on medication for several months. Others find that antidepressant medications tend to lose effectiveness over time. 

This means that staying on both treatments could extend your course of treatment beyond four months. 

How Will You Know if the Therapy Is Working?

Unfortunately, it can take up to two weeks before you notice any improvement in your mood while undergoing TMS Therapy. You should give yourself at least three weeks longer before expecting any improvement in your symptoms. 

Are There Risks Associated With TMS Therapy?

As far as we know, no significant side effects have been attributed to TMS Therapy up until this time. However, as with any invasive medical therapy, TMS does carry a minimal risk of severe complications such as infections or seizures.

These risks are virtually nonexistent when compared to those posed by pharmaceuticals or ECT (electroconvulsive therapy).

That said, like all forms of antidepressant therapy, it may also cause some less temporary side effects such as headaches and neck pain caused by changes in blood flow around your brain, the sensation of a mild tapping on your head during treatment sessions, and trouble sleeping. 

These symptoms typically go away in a few weeks during treatment, but if they don’t, you should speak to your doctor about adjusting the voltage being used in treatment sessions.

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