Drug Rehab Programs

Substance abuse is a chronic disease that is classified by an uncontrollable urge to alter how the body functions. In 2017, 37 percent of adults suffered from an addiction. Within the same year, one in eight men had an alcohol disorder.

These numbers are astonishing. Unfortunately, most of the people featured in these statistics have either died or been diagnosed with a life-threatening ailment. However, this isn’t as scary as battling a SUD (Substance Use Disorder) or an AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) without having any aid, or a solution.

Over the years, medical and rehab institutions have developed treatment approaches and individual programs. They continue to evolve and diversify, and as a result, many of the programs don’t correspond with the traditional drug addiction treatment classifications.

This may be an issue when seeking help. Therefore, if you are looking for a rehab institution for your loved one -or perhaps yourself- read on and familiarize yourself with crucial aspects regarding the drug rehab programs.

Detoxification isn’t enough

Detoxification is considered the best practice when recovering from an addiction. Most people start with it and use prescribed medication to battle the withdrawals. In a nutshell, detoxification is when the body tries to clear all remnants of a drug.

It is done to subdue the potential psychological effects of not using the abused drug. However, it is worth noting that detoxifying doesn’t cater to all behavioural, social, and psychological issues. Therefore, the process does not produce enduring behavioural changes, necessary for the recovery process.

As we have suggested, detoxification is also coupled with unpleasant withdrawals -which can be fatal in some cases. Fortunately, these can be combated with medication which is administered by a licensed physician. This process is referred to as ‘Medically Managed Withdrawals.’

Depending on your needs, the medication is available to assist in the withdrawals of:

  1. Sedatives
  2. Alcohol
  3. Nicotine
  4. Opioids
  5. Barbiturates
  6. Benzodiazepines

Therefore, seeking help from a rehab centre will not only ensure that you get the drugs, but they will take you through a program that will suppress your drug-based desires.

What are The Different Types of Treatment Programs?

Residential and outpatient care are two of the most common types of rehab treatment programs. While both are effective, the residential treatment plan enables you to stay with the rehab’s support system. This enhances the recovery process as the patient is restricted from accessing the drug and potential temptations.

Outpatient, on the other hand, gives the patient a loosely packed schedule. The patient can choose to operate from school, home, or work, depending on how they deem fit. Both treatment options give a broad range of counselling and therapeutic options.

Be sure to consult with the agency so that you may get a program that works best for you. They will ensure that you get a program that will help you maintain sobriety and good health. Also, they will teach you how you can relish life experiences without using drugs.

Potential Issues That You Might Face

As with other things, you are likely to encounter many challenges and obstacles in your recovery process. Keep Reading and learn how to override them.

  • Personality Conflict

When someone is in a space they are not comfortable with (or are forced out of their comfort zone), conflict is likely to occur. However, it is important to keep insanity at bay, and not to allow situations from spiralling out of control. A good rehab agency should be able to teach and familiarise you with some anger management techniques.

  • Transitioning to a New Environment

Moving from your place to a rehab centre is certainly not a walk in the park. Especially if you have a history of mental or physical causes. However, be sure to talk to the agency so that they can address you accordingly in case of anything. They will also give you medication that will help you adjust faster.

  • Financial Constraints

There are numerous payment options that you can choose from. These range from insurance coverage and financing options to get financial help from a friend.

Above all, ensure that you get the help you need and stay in treatment. Anything that distracts you from your primary goal is an obstacle. Therefore, stay away from them.

How effective are the Programs

Ideally, rehab programs help you stop an addiction, and to be productive as well once you go back to society. But how effective are they?

Similar to other chronic illnesses, addiction can be managed, and eventually treated. According to research that tracked the progress made by former rehab patients, the crime rates for those who completed their program decreased significantly. Their productivity at work improved as well, and their mental competence got better.

For example, methadone treatment has proved to be effective during behavioural therapy. It helps people stop their toxic behaviour, and decrease crime rates.

However, do note that the effectiveness of the program on individuals depends on the nature of the patient’s problem. Other factors affect the program’s effectiveness; such as the appropriateness of the method used to treat the patient. How well the patient interacts with their treatment is another factor.

This is why we urge you to be cautious when choosing a rehab. If you fail to evaluate your options well, you might advance the issue, which will cost you a lot in the long run.

What you need to know about Group Counselling

Most rehab programs use group counselling to capitalize on social reinforcement. It encourages the members to live a drug-free lifestyle, and teaches them how to live peacefully with others. When group therapy is formatted to exhibit the principles of contingency management or cognitive behavioural therapy, positive results will be attained.

Most rehabs are working together to advance group therapy by standardizing it to be more community-friendly. Above all, ensure that you get in touch with a licensed agency that will guide you accordingly (you can check Nestled Recovery Center for more information). Before working with them, be sure to check out their reviews and get in touch with their former patients. Be sure to familiarise yourself with the agency. Don’t compromise, only work with professionals.

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