From the earliest stages of our lives, we have been taught the proper ways to maintain private hygiene. Almost everyone knows to brush our teeth, take a bath regularly, wear washed clothes, and wash hands before having a meal. These habits have been a crucial part of our lifestyle growing up.
There are different kinds of smiles, and one of them is a closed-mouth smile. While this smile is a sign of pleasure and warmth, it could also mean hiding teeth imperfections such as large gaps in between teeth, tooth decay, and cracked teeth. Oral hygiene mistakes usually cause these imperfections.
Maintaining hygiene is the key to a disease-free and healthy life for many of us. However, when it comes to oral hygiene, many of us include practices that do more harm than good without us even realizing it. So, it doesn’t matter how clean you believe your teeth are. If you don’t stop making these mistakes, you might not fulfill your health goals.
Here is the list of oral hygiene mistakes you need to stop making right now:
Late Consultation or Avoiding to Visit a Dentist
Many people think that if their gums or teeth aren’t hurting, there is no need for a dental checkup. For this reason, they avoid visiting a dentist for as long as they can. As a result, minor dental problems transform into severe conditions, and the patient ends up spending a lot more time and money in the process.
Therefore, be sure to pay regular visits to your dentist to treat all minor or major problems that may arise in due time. If possible, try to find a dentist near your home, so you can’t find an excuse to visit your dentist. Browse the internet and search for “dentist near me” to see all the possible results. Moreover, if you make frequent visits to a dentist, they can treat a minor issue that could become a significant problem in the future.
It’s advisable to have a family dentist or a go-to dentist whenever a dental emergency arises. Once you have one, you can save time and effort searching for a dentist every time. Choose one that offers a wide array of dental services. Moreover, you can also choose a dentist with specialized services, such as dental implants. If you have children, choose one with years of experience handling pediatric patients.
Bruising Your Teeth With Force
You might think that removing bacteria requires excessive force while brushing your teeth. However, on the contrary, this may be one of the most critical mistakes you might be making while taking care of your oral hygiene. Additionally, brushing your teeth with excessive force can lead to bleeding gums and can even damage your teeth’ nonrenewable enamel.
Also, oral health experts believe that the plaque on your teeth is mild and does not require you to use vigorous brushing to clean. Instead, gently use a toothbrush and move it around your teeth in a circular motion. This simple technique will provide you with all the oral hygiene you can maintain during brushing.
Neglecting Dental Floss
With brushing, you will not magically remove all decay-causing bacteria from your teeth. Since bacteria often fancy hiding in deep and narrow spaces between your teeth, which your brush can not reach. Therefore, make sure you add dental floss to your oral hygiene routine because brushing alone is not enough.
In addition, teach your children how to properly floss their teeth to inculcate this good dental habit early. In that way, they can practice dental flossing until their adulthood years. You can start incorporating this into their dental hygiene routine when their teeth start to touch when they’re around 2 or 3 years old. A gentle hand and lots of patience are required as you start teaching your kids. If they are having a hard time with regular floss, try using floss picks that come in different colors, shapes, and flavors.
To Sum it Up
Taking care of your oral hygiene is easier said than done. Also, we make silly mistakes that can worsen our oral health instead of improving it in the process. With the tips mentioned above, you can find ways to not fall victim to these mistakes while finding more ways to enhance your oral hygiene.