Traction Physiotherapy for Neck

Spinal traction, also called cervical traction, is a popular treatment for arthritis and other injuries. Cervical traction pulls the head out of the neck, creating extensions and removing compression. It is considered an alternative treatment for arthritis without the need for drugs or surgery. Traction physiotherapy for the neck is very effective and can be done at home.

Cervical traction devices reduce the spine’s height by stretching the neck slightly and pulling or separating the vertebrae. Read on to get more knowledge about this.

Benefits of Cervical Traction

Cervical traction devices treat various conditions and cause arthritis, stiffness, and pressure. Neck traction helps tighten muscles, reducing pain and stiffness during flexibility.

  • It is also used to repair and flatten prolapsed discs.
  • It can reduce joint pain, joints, and cramps.
  • It is also used to treat arthritis, nerve compression, and cervical spondylosis.
  • Neck traction devices reduce size and pain by stretching the spine and muscles. 

Force is used to pull or stretch the head around the neck. Creating a space between the vertebrae relieves pressure and relaxes the muscles. This stretches the muscles and joints around the neck.

These improvements can improve mobility, range of motion, and coordination. It will make your daily tasks easier.

Traction Physiotherapy for Neck

There are many ways to do traction physiotherapy for the neck with the help of a physiotherapist or at home. A physiotherapist can help you choose the method that best suits your needs.

The physiotherapist may suggest that you purchase traction equipment for home use. Some devices may require a prescription. The physiotherapist should instruct you to use the device correctly before using it yourself. Even if you are being treated at home, it is essential to consult with your doctor. You can consult the Best Physiotherapist in Karachi. They will ensure you receive the best care for yourself, measure your progress, and adjust your treatment as needed.

1- Manual Cervical Traction

Traction physiotherapy for the neck is mainly performed by the physiotherapist manually. They gently pull your head away from your neck when you lie down. They release and hold this position for a while before repeating. Your physiotherapist will adjust it precisely to get the most out of it.

2- Mechanical Cervical Traction

In this, a harness is hooked up to your neck and head when lying on your back. The harness is attached to a weight or machine that uses traction to move the head away from the neck and spine.

3- Over The Door Traction

This device is for use at home. It is tied to a rope part of a heavy body that goes through the door. Tie the head and neck to the harness. This can be done while sitting, twisting your back, or lying down.

Side Effects

Usually, traction is safe, but results vary from person to person. The treatment should not be painful. Controlling your body in this way can lead to side effects such as headache, dizziness, and nausea. It can lead to fatigue. Stop if side effects occur and consult a Physiotherapist in Karachi.

It can cause muscle, neck, or back pain. Cervical traction should be avoided if:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Post-operative medical supplies such as neck screws
  • Recent fractures or injuries in the neck area
  • Identify neck cancer
  • Bone infection
  • Problems with the vertebral or carotid arteries or blockages
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cervical instability
  • Hypermobility of the spine

Cervical Traction Exercise

Many physical exercises can be performed using cervical traction. To use Air Neck Traction:

  • Hang it around your neck and adjust the strap as needed.
  • Take it off and wear it for 20-30 minutes, and do this several times a day.
  • Listen to your body on the stretches and timing and allow yourself to reach your limits or beginnings. The equipment can be used during activities that include the squat.

Your physical therapist can recommend a quantity of weight to lose for proper use. To use the active door traction device, you will usually start with a pulling force of around 10 to 20 pounds, increasing further as you increase the strength. Hold the weight in the pull for 10 to 20 seconds, then release it slowly. Add this for 15-30 minutes at a time. You can do this several times a day.

It is essential to follow all safety instructions and recommendations from your doctor or manufacturer. Make sure you are exercising correctly and using the correct weights. Do not overdo the cervical spine for a long time. Do not give additional medicine if you have pain, itching, or more severe symptoms.

You should consult the best physiotherapist for traction physiotherapy for your neck. As it requires expert instructions. You can book your appointment with one of the Physiotherapists in Karachi through Marham. It gives you access to the best doctors in your area. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- Is traction helpful for your neck?

Neck traction helps tighten muscles, reducing pain and stiffness during flexibility. It is also used for the treatment of flattened bulging or prolapsed discs.

2- How much time does traction take to work?

Regarding energy pull time, almost all spinal dislocations have occurred during the first 7 seconds of exercise, but up to 20-25 minutes need to relax the muscles.

3- Can traction cause problems?

Experts believe that traction widens the space between the vertebrae, increases joint involvement, and stretches muscles and ligaments around the spine. Side effects are usually mild, like headache, nausea, fatigue, and tissue damage.

4- Do Doctors Still employ traction?

Traction has been widely used for over a hundred years, but many modern surgeries to repair broken bones have eclipsed traction in recent years. Today, traction is typically used temporarily until surgery is complete.

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