How To Cure An Eating Disorder: 10 Do’s And Don’ts By Experts

Eating disorders are as painful as any other mental condition. It might look like the person suffering is deliberately causing harm to their body, but it is much more serious than that.

To start with, the patient doesn’t have any control over their issue. So if you know someone going through this problem, stop saying insensitive comments like ‘just eat something.’

Knowing a loved one’s triggers are extremely important if you want to help them in their recovery. However, understanding their own issues also plays a big role in recovery. There are types of eating disorder recovery centers that can help the patient through cognitive-behavioral therapies.

The Ten Do’s & Don’ts Of An Eating Disorder

Whether you want to help yourself or a close one overcome an eating disorder, this list can help you.

These have been tested and approved by experts. Following them will give you the noted results in combating them.


We are starting with the things you should do when suffering from a diagnosed eating disorder.

1. Do Recognize The Problem

Try and recognize the signs which incline to an early eating disorder. If you see someone following in these footsteps, then do not ignore them.

The first step of recovery is always recognition and acceptance.

2. Do Talk About It

If you are suspicious about having an eating disorder, then keeping it a secret wouldn’t help. Instead, you need to go out and talk about it.

If you are trying to help, gradually bring up this subject to prevent any sudden triggers.

3. Do Take Therapy

Finding it difficult to talk to closed ones? Then book a therapy.

A therapist will give you the help required and create a safe space to talk about it freely.

4. Do Know Your Triggers

Talk to a therapist and try to recognize your triggers.

Emotional turmoils created through these triggers can sometimes push us towards eating disorders. Knowing these triggers will help you avoid them.

5. Do Watch Empowering Videos

Watch videos about people who have overcome eating disorders. Learn their success stories and get motivated.

You can also read books and get inspired.

6. Do Get Professional Help

If the eating disorder is extreme, don’t be scared of seeking professional help. Instead, enroll in a good recovery center where they can give you the rightful treatment and care.

7. Do Support

If you are someone trying to help, then give your full support without judgment. Tell the patient, encouraging things that are ahead of shallow appearances.

This positivity will help them immensely.

8. Do Research On The Subject

Fighting something requires a thorough knowledge about it. This is something you can achieve by reading more about your problem.

Understand more about the condition and then ask for the necessary help based on your research.

9. Do Be Productive

Productivity is always known for releasing happy hormones. It is the best kind of distraction from your condition.

Find new hobbies and holistic activities like running, yoga, and exercises every day.

10. Do Practise Body Positivity

Talk to people who speak positively about their bodies, no matter the shape or size. It will take some time, but soon you will be able to preach body positivity.


Now coming to some of the important things you should avoid. Instead, follow these when you are trying to recover someone else or yourself from an eating disorder.

1. Don’t Be In Denial

If you see your food habits changing and your health getting worse each day, stop denying it.

Do not make excuses and ask for the help you require.

2. Don’t Lose Hope

You won’t be able to recover overnight. However, that doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong.

Make sure that you do not lose hope and keep trying.

3. Don’t Be Scared Of Rehabilitation

Do not get scared of enrolling in a rehabilitation center. In a good in-patient recovery care, you will receive the medication, support, and supervision which is important.

4. Don’t Judge

If you are trying to help someone, then stop judging people by their appearance. It is not just the patient but yourself and others.

You do not want to accidentally trigger someone.

5. Don’t Say Insensitive Statements

Statements like,

  • ‘I wish I had an eating disorder. Would be easier to get thinner.’
  • ‘Do not worry, just eat something.’
  • ‘Is it just a new diet?’

It should be avoided at any cost in front of an eating disorder patient.

6. Don’t Use Social Media So Frequently

Social media is a curse to someone who is suffering from an eating disorder. It shows unrealistic body goals, which can create mental problems for the patient.

Having a social media detox during the recovery period is required.

7. Don’t Categorize Your Food

Stop categorizing your food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ food. It is best to consult a dietician and get into a healthy balanced diet.

Gradually introduce new food items to your diet plan to avoid getting overwhelmed.

8. Don’t Force Them To Overeat

Are you helping someone? Do not force them to overeat just because they have lost a ton of weight.

Then it can cause some serious damage than making the situation better.

9. Don’t Blame The Patient

Do not blame the person suffering from the condition. They do not have any control over their eating habits.

It is their mind which is controlling them, and they need support with zero judgment.

10. Don’t Be Impatient

If you are helping someone, remember that they will have relapses. So do not leave their side just because they were on the verge of giving up.

Gather some patience and wait for the results.

Don’t Give Up!

Whatever you do, do not give up. The stories of survival that you read are enough proof of the light at the end of the tunnel.

You will be able to overcome this if you follow the previous steps and keep trying.

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