How to Clean Custom Flags?

You know the importance of traditional marketing options for promotional purposes and you’ve invested in high-quality custom flags. Even though the custom flags are one of the most durable marketing options, they also require some specific sets of care and maintenance processes. 

Many marketers assume that just because they have invested in high-quality custom flags they don’t need to pay close attention to the care and maintenance methods. This is why they end up shortening the lifespan of the custom flags. 

If you want to use your custom flags for a long time, you need to clean them properly. Here are some great methods to clean your custom flags. 

How Often Do You Need to Clean Your Custom Flags?

This is entirely dependent on how often you use the custom flags. If you’re using the custom flags every time you attend trade shows or events, you need to clean them at least two times a month. When you keep your custom flags outdoor for a long time, they will become vulnerable to cosmetic damages including:

  • Direct Exposure to Sun Rays: If your custom flags are exposed to harmful sun rays and UV rays for a long time, the color of the flags might start fading. Not to mention, the materials will also be damaged. 
  • Moderate Weather Conditions: Wind, snow, and heavy rain are some of the most common enemies for the custom flags. Even though custom flags are weather-resistant, but extensive pressure will cause tear and wear. 
  • Dust and Pollutants: Smoke, dust, air pollutants, and debris will cause cosmetic damage on the custom flags. 

Therefore, make sure you consider outdoor usage of your custom flags so that you can take proper cleaning methods. 

Safe and Unsafe Cleaning Options for the Custom Flags

This is one of the most important points you need to need to know. The materials of the custom flags aren’t the same. Therefore, some specific types of chemicals or cleaning procedures will cause harm to the custom flags. Many marketers end up destroying their custom flags just because they choose the wrong cleaning method. 

Safe cleaning options for the custom flags include:

  • Lukewarm water
  • Mild detergent 
  • Soft sponge
  • Microfiber cloth

Here are some unsafe cleaning procedures that might cause damages to your custom flags:

  • Paint thinner
  • Harsh chemical solvents 
  • Bleach 
  • Acetone products
  • Abrasive cloths
  • Rubbing alcohol

Instruction to Remember While Cleaning the Custom Flags

If you want to clean your custom flags without causing any damage, you need to follow some important sets of instructions. 

  • Before washing the flags, make sure the surface is dry as well as flat. If you spot creases, use a hairdryer with the lowest heat settings to solve the problem. 
  • Combine mild detergent and lukewarm water. After that, use the solution and a soft microfiber cloth to clean the surface thoroughly. 
  • Use another fresh microfiber cloth to remove any soap residue. This is because the remaining residue might cause deterioration and discoloration. As per Towel super center, microfiber clothes are great for cleaning.
  • After you’re done cleaning, use another microfiber cloth to soak all the excess water. Don’t use any type of heating device. Let the custom flag dry naturally. 


These are some points you need to remember if you want to clean your custom flags effectively. Do you want custom flags that can be cleaned easily? Don’t forget to contact us and we will provide the perfect solution. 

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