The Art of Self Healing – Without Medication

Prescription drugs can do wonders for most those living with stress, anxiety, injuries, and medical conditions, especially medicine such as Zolof and Prozac. However, these medications are usually expensive and can negatively affect our bodies if taken consistently.

That said, there are tons of other ways to counter symptoms that don’t involve prescription medicines. After all, there is a direct connection between the way our bodies feel and how our brains think. So like we can use our bodies to reduce mental stress, we can also use our minds to heal it.

So, if you have any underlying medical condition that is causing an annoyance and hindrance in your life, the best approach is to manage it naturally, without medication. In comparison, that doesn’t mean that you quit prescription drugs entirely.

However, it would be best to avoid using them to prevent reliance. So, by simply changing the way we think and controlling what occupies our minds, we can ultimately improve our physical and mental well-being. In the end, a healthy mindset is something that will take you to the pathway to self-healing.

Keeping this in mind, let us look at a few ways you can use your mind and body to improve your physical and mental health.

Utilize muscle testing

Muscle testing is a process that goes back to the early 1900s and has been used to access a person’s subconscious mind. It is used to identify our body’s response to particular emotions, supplements, foods, and much more. Here’s a pro tip, Google the term muscle testing spiritual to find tons of articles that show its advantages

The main reason for such a non-invasive therapy is to determine whether our body reacts negatively or positively to something and how that specific ‘something’ affects our energy levels. That said, the responses depend on the type of test you perform. Typically, the elbow test, ring-in-ring test, and sway test are standard.

As far as self-healing goes, muscle testing will allow you to gain insight into the physical and mental issues you face. So, whether it is a food that is causing you distress or a supplement keeping you down, give muscle testing a go to find out the reason behind your physical and psychological issues- no medication required. Through this insight, you will have the necessary knowledge to heal yourself.

Improve your life by focusing on your life’s purpose

Knowing that we have a sense of purpose can increase the quality and length of our lives. Countless research shows that individuals who believe their lives have meaning have a higher chance of living longer, healthier lives. 

So, whether you find a volunteering opportunity to give your life purpose or a job that allows you to be an influential part of society, ensure that what you do gives your life purpose. You can also start writing about your life stories and can share them through platforms like The Doe.

After all, when we know whatever we do matters and gives us a reason to get out of bed every morning, we will stay away from mental issues and enjoy a long, meaningful life. 

Use optimism to boost immunity

Numerous studies show that optimistic individuals are less likely to fall sick. That said, for many years, researchers believed that a boosted immune system was because people with high levels of optimism would take care of themselves a lot better than those who don’t. Instead, however, it is the other way around. 

Recent studies revealed that people could increase their immunity if they keep a hopeful outlook on their lives. After all, looking at the positives more than the negatives will reduce your chances of getting an infection or cold. Because when you remain optimistic, your immune system will function more effectively. 

Slow down aging with the help of meditation

Mindful meditation is a perfect tool to counter the harmful effect of stress on our minds and bodies. In fact, according to an NCBI study, mindful mediation slows down cell aging. Furthermore, mindful meditation helps you look fresh and younger and enables you to fight off age-related medical conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and much more- typically, these medical conditions require tons of medications to treat. So, no matter your age or gender, it is never too late to reap the benefits that mindful mediation can provide you. 

Decrease your risk of heart issues by laughing

If you want to have a healthier heart and ward off age-related heart diseases, read some jokes on the internet and laugh your butt off. And there is research to back this claim. It states that laughter increases the production of good cholesterol inside your body, lowers stress, and reduces artery inflammation.

So, now we know why they say that laughter is the best medicine. And the perfect thing about it is that the benefits of laughter last the entire day!

Promote muscle growth by imaging yourself working out

What if you could build a ton of muscle by imagining yourself doing deadlifts and bench presses? Well, experts believe that mental imagery helps you complement your workouts and allows you to speed up muscle growth tenfold. 

In the end, it is all about mental training. After all, imagining yourself working out doesn’t increase muscle mass directly. Instead, it programs your brain to lift more and for a more extended period. Hence, building more muscle in less time!

According to studies, people who imagine themselves lifting weights can increase their strength by 24 percent.

Don’t skip sleep

The health benefits of sleep are already well-known, but as our lives move faster, we skip out on sleep whenever we get the chance. According to the National Institutes of Health, teenagers should sleep for at least nine to ten hours per day, while adults should do it for seven to eight hours.

Getting ample sleep will give your mind and body the time it requires to heal and function efficiently the next day. On the other hand, a lack of sleep makes your body more prone to injuries. Sleep deprivation also causes mental health issues such as stress, depression, and anxiety. 


Moreover, this isn’t something revolutionary. Our bodies are self-healing machines. However, if we bypass its natural self-repairing process, we will ignore the very thing we require to stay healthy and functional.

We already know that our bodies are equipped with cells and self-repairing mechanisms that fight infections and kill cancerous cells daily. So, let your body do the work and avoid taking medication when you don’t have to!

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