Hey friends, How are the gummies working for you? Are your stress and anxiety all gone? CBD gummies must be working wonders for you. But is it the same for people suffering from Obsessive compulsive disorder? That is a matter of concern.
OCD is a common mental ailment among adolescents. It affects the quality of life by generating unnecessary obsession. Mostly, the affected individual is aware of its meaningless behavior. But, the resultant anxiety leaves them with no option. Upon thinking, we realized that treatment of this illness is essential. And, hence, today, we will analyze CBD gummies for anxiety as a potential treatment.
By now, you all know that CBD gummies can treat anxiety incredibly. Let’s test the same gummies for another ailment.
Tasty gummy VS evil OCD. Who will be the winner?
A full-proof test assuring CBD’s effectiveness against Obsessive compulsive disorder is lacking. By now, SRI (Serotonin reuptake inhibitors) has got the approval of the FDA to treat the disease. One can also trust therapies and medication for their treatment. But, from where did the idea of CBD for OCD arrive?
This idea is not new. Many users of CBD claim it to be a potent medication. Several studies also support the claim. Researchers are trying to conduct several studies to establish the claim.
Scientifically, the THC content of CBD makes it possible. THC interacts with your endocannabinoid system. This interaction stimulates sleep, increases appetite, and uplifts mood.
A study conducted on 87 people with Obsessive compulsive disorder showed the following results:
- Compulsions got reduced by 60%.
- Intrinsic thoughts got reduced by 49%.
- Anxiety got reduced to 52%.
OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder affects the behavioral and intrinsic traits of a person. It leaves the person ajar with severe anxiety attacks. The treatment method of CBD gummies involves inhibition of stressful thoughts, promoting calmness, and delivering relief both mentally and physically.
Another essential thing is that none of the drug users was affected negatively. So, what can be the conclusion of it? CBD toffees for anxiety can be a promising treatment of the discussed disease. Though enough studies are not there, the future of the drug as a potential Obsessive compulsive disorder treatment appears to be bright.
Are you sure you are suffering from OCD? Let’s find out.
Symptoms of this typical illness can be hard to detect. So, is there any possible way to ascertain whether they are affected by this ailment or not? Surely there is.
We will now look at the symptoms. It will help you understand your position.
- Obsession, compulsion or both
- Fear of germs and obsession with cleaning
- Uncontrolled and unwanted thoughts
- Feeling of pressure and stress due to such thoughts
- Motor tics. Such as shoulder shrugging, eye blinking, facial grimacing, etc.
Are these thoughts taking you over? Have you lost control of your brain? It can be an alarming sign. Do not panic. Treatment of Obsessive compulsive disorder is available. Talk to your doctor if these symptoms are prominent.
Which form of CBD should I pick?
From tincture to gummies and from capsules to vape oils, several formulations of CBD are available in the market. But, which is the most suitable to treat the symptoms of OCD? One needs to understand that it is not the form but the compound that offers treatment. Moreover, no studies prove one form to dominate the other. However, CBD with THC is showing its effectiveness in a better manner.
So, whatever form you pick, a required amount of THC should be there. But, what is the required amount of THC? THC in large proportions can make the compound sedative. So, several studies and government laws announced that the percentage of THC should be equal to or lower than 0.3%. Before selecting a product, make sure you check the legality status of CBD in your area.
CBD gummies for anxiety. Is it safe for children with OCD?
Were you planning to give CBD to your child with OCD? If yes, then WAIT. CBD for children can be a risky choice. No studies show promising results of CBD on children. Long term effect of cannabidiol on users is still not discovered. Children might experience side effects upon consuming the drug. The manufacturers mislabeled 20% of total CBD products on the test in a study. In other words, 20% of all tested products hid their original content. One of the primary hidden content was THC. It makes this drug a sedative. So, one should avoid giving cannabidiol to children.
Proper dosage for the perfect treatment!
So, CBD can be a potential treatment for this problem. But, what amount is suitable for me?
CBD still lacks tests and studies to establish its action against this disorder. So, there is no appropriate dosage to it. Then how should one go about it?
Everybody’s body reacts differently to varying CBD dosages. So, what suits you might be unsuitable for your mate. CBD is about having customized dosage. And, you can design your dose easily. You need to start consumption with small proportions- an amount varying between 20-40 milligrams is perfect for beginners. After this, you need to study your body’s adaptation towards the dosage.
The amount feels euphoric and gives relief to your thoughts then, that is the suitable dose for you. But, if you are not feeling better, you can increase the dosage by 2 milligrams. This way, you will be able to ascertain the proper dose.
Can CBD for the disorder cause side effects?
Reported side effects of CBD are as follows:
- Drowsiness
- Irregularity in appetite
- Dry mouth
- Diarrhea
- fatigue
Experiencing any such side effect should cause immediate withdrawal. Pregnant women should strictly avoid using CBD for any purpose.
Final words
Repeated stressful thoughts and obsession raising fear can be the signs of this problem. Ignoring them can cause several negative impacts on your brain. Several therapies and medications are available for the treatment of Obsessive compulsive disorder.
With that, one can consider CBD gummies for anxiety to be a potential treatment measure. Though, studies to prove their effectiveness against OCD are not enough. But, no negative responses about them are in the records.