Homeopathy and naturopathy are two different healing modalities used to treat various conditions like cold, flu, skin rash, allergies and even stress. Both have their own set of treatments which vary from homeopathic remedies to naturopathic medicines. Naturopathic medicine is based on the premise that the human body has its own healing power, and uses non-invasive treatment methods. At the same time, homeopathy uses much less invasive means of treating women’s sexual health.
While both naturopathy and homeopathy are forms of alternative medicine, there are some key differences between the two. But how do they differ from each other?
Here are 18 ways that homeopathy and naturopathy differ:
- Homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like.” It uses small doses of a substance that causes symptoms similar to an ailment in healthy people, but in very small doses. Naturopathy uses herbal remedies like herbs or vitamins (often in large doses), along with lifestyle changes.
- Naturopathy can be used to treat chronic illnesses, whereas homeopathy is usually used for acute illnesses and those that have been treated with Western medicine first.
- Naturopaths focus more on prevention than do homeopaths, who focus more on treating diseases after they have already occurred.
- Homeopaths believe that patients should avoid allopathic drugs and vaccines because they believe these treatments may cause more harm than good by suppressing the body’s ability to heal itself.
- Homeopathy is based on the idea that “like cures like,” while Naturopathy is based on the belief that your body can heal itself if given the right conditions.
- Homeopathy is considered a type of complementary medicine, while Naturopathy is considered part of conventional medicine.
- Naturopaths specialize in natural medicine, while homeopaths study traditional medicines as well as modern ones.
- Both use herbs and other natural substances, but naturopaths tend to focus more on diet and lifestyle changes than homeopaths do.
- It’s possible for a person to be both a naturopath and a homeopath; however, it’s also possible for one practitioner to be both a naturopath AND an MD (medical doctor). This isn’t common practice in either field, though.
- While there’s no official certification process for becoming either kind of practitioner, there are usually educational requirements—such as completing at least four years of training at an accredited institution—before earning certification or licensure in
- Naturopaths are able to prescribe medications as well as perform surgery if needed; homeopaths do not prescribe medications or perform surgery.
- Both naturopaths and homeopaths rely heavily on dietary changes and herbs as part of their treatments but differ in how they approach dietary changes.
- Homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like,” while naturopathy is a holistic medicine that focuses on overall health.
- Homeopathy is used to treat acute illnesses, while naturopathy can be used to treat both acute and chronic illnesses.
- Homeopathic remedies are made from natural ingredients, while naturopathic remedies are made from plants and minerals.
- The goal of homeopathy is to relieve symptoms and cure the underlying illness, while the goal of naturopathy is to promote overall health by treating the root cause of an illness rather than just its symptoms, which may include homeopathic remedies but also a wide range of therapies such as diet therapy and exercise programs for specific conditions like arthritis or asthma (for example).
- Naturopathic practitioners spend more time with each patient than do homeopaths because they believe in a holistic approach to treatment that includes diet changes and lifestyle changes alongside medical treatments like drugs or surgery if necessary; therefore they spend more time talking with patients about their lives outside.
- Naturopathy focuses on treating the whole person and integrating all aspects of their lives, including diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Homeopathy is based on the idea that “like cures like” and uses small doses of natural substances to treat illness.
Homeopathy and naturopathy, like all medicines and treatments, have their risks as well as their benefits. It is up to the individual to decide whether a treatment is worthwhile for them, based on their unique circumstances. There are a number of ways to find out more about homeopathy, including talking with your GP and having a chat with Holistic shops.
Author bio- Jane Silverstein is the owner of Soul Source Therapeutic Devices located in Los Angeles. She is committed to women’s health issues and to helping women worldwide regain and/ or maintain their sexual health. She is passionate about helping others and has always been involved in a multitude of charitable causes.