When you have a desk job, you spend the majority of your hours and days sitting at the desk typing, taking phone calls, and doing other tasks where you are sitting all day long.
Those with desk jobs often have a hard time keeping fit and being strong because their job requires no physical activity. However, there are simple and effective things you can do, even if you have a desk job, that can keep your body healthy. Whether you’re seeking relief from a local chiropractor, pumping some blood with a quick workout, or finding a snack to munch on, here are our top tips for making your body love you even if you have a desk job and have a stationary lifestyle.
Use an Exercise Ball
While this might seem silly, it’s fun and effective. Some people call this active sitting because even though you are sitting, you are still moving your body. You are working out your legs and core by just bouncing up and down at your desk.
Sitting on an exercise ball also gives you better posture because it forces you to sit up straight to type rather than slouching down.
Set a Timer for Breaks
While you probably want to take many breaks throughout the day, you probably get busy and overwhelmed. Next thing you know, the day is over, and you barely ate lunch, and you didn’t make any time for yourself.
To remind yourself to take breaks, set a timer on your phone or your computer to remind you to take a short time off. When the timer goes off, you can take a break for 5-10 minutes. Make sure it’s an active break so you are not just sitting on your phone.
You can get up, go outside, stretch, or just stand up for a few minutes to break up long periods of sitting.
Consider Using a Stand Up Desk
One of the main complaints with desk jobs is that you have to sit down the whole day. With regular desks, standing is not an option because you will then have to bend down to see the computer, which can be terrible for the neck and back.
A stand-up desk is adjustable and allows you to raise it up to the right level so you can stand and work at the same time. You don’t have to work on your feet all day. When you feel like you want to sit, you can lower the desk back down to the appropriate height and then begin working while sitting.
Standing, even for just short periods of time, is excellent for a few different reasons, though. It allows you to improve your circulation and also allows you to get better circulation to your hands and feet while you work.
You can start working while standing for just a few hours a day and then eventually stand up for about half the day.
Visit a Chiropractor
Sometimes not all your problems with your body can be solved by just adding in some stretching or walking if you’re able to, consider visiting a chiropractor. They can help you see why you are having pain in certain parts of the body.
Chiropractors are excellent at getting your body back in shape because they can adjust your muscles, bones, nerves, and tendons. They can also perform adjustments where needed on the body to ensure you no longer have pain or tension anywhere.
Workout at LunchTime
Depending on where your office is and how long you get for lunch, you can work out during your lunch break. Even if you only spend 20 minutes, working out at lunchtime is a perfect way to reset the body and make you motivated to feel the rest of the day.
Make sure you find a fitness center that is close to your work office so you can easily drive or walk there. Some companies even have gyms or provide a way for people to work out at the office. If your company has these resources, make sure to take advantage of them.
Do Some Stretching
While it might seem crazy to just start stretching at your desk, many people do it, and it’s a common way to fit in some activity when you are limited on time. You can make a routine of stretching at different times during the day.
If you are not comfortable stretching at your desk, you can go to the breakroom or a nearby hallway and do your stretches there.
Some of the simplest stretches you can do are neck stretches, leg raises, shoulder raises, or just doing some movements like twisting from side to side.
Be More Aware of Your Posture
It’s easy to stay slouched over a desk all day long. You might not even realize you are doing it. However, by the time you leave the office at night, your back and shoulders will be aching from being in an incorrect position from morning until evening.
You can set a reminder on your own or put a post-it note on your cubicle reminding you to sit up straight and be aware of how you are sitting. This way, every time you see the note or reminder, you will be forced to change your position and sit correctly.
Eat and Drink Better
Since you are not very active during the day, it’s important to eat and drink as well as you can so that the body stays healthy.
Throughout the day, drink lots of water and other fluids to stay hydrated. Try to bring your lunch from home if you can, and don’t snack too much unless it’s healthy snacks that provide protein and nutrition.
Final Thoughts
Working a desk job can quickly make you sedentary because you have no need to move throughout the day. This is why it’s important to take care of your body by stretching, walking, being active, and visiting a chiropractor to ensure you are aligned and healthy.
Your body will really thank you if you follow all the tips listed above.