How Family Nurse Practitioners Are the Future of Medicine

There are far over 300,000 licensed nurse practitioners in the US currently, and there are more on their way to becoming one. The majority of these NPs happen to be family nurse practitioners. One of the top reasons people consider pursuing a nursing career is their passion for caregiving and, most importantly, the benefits of professional growth that come along the way. These benefits may include immense job security, never ending-demand, diversity of roles, and new challenges that help you grow personally and professionally.

Even though people are rapidly making their way into the healthcare profession as their primary career choice, the demand for doctors and nurses is still unmet. The reason can be termed as the change of lifestyle in the general public that brings to the table newer health problems. Family nurse practitioners don’t just do one-time consultancies. Instead, they holistically diagnose and review their patients and provide care, long-term guidance, and counseling. Their goal is to prevent disease and improve primary care nationally.

Another rationale why you should now consider family nursing as a career is because obtaining the right qualification is more convenient than ever today. The credit goes to the online education system, which isn’t just favorable to all but also very low-cost and affordable. To qualify in family nursing, you may opt for a Master of Science in Nursing FNP Online program. This degree equips you with the right kind of skillset to provide lifelong care to patients outside the boundaries of a healthcare unit. It is also your roadmap to a safer, diverse, and exciting career, one that pays well too. Continue reading to learn why family nurse practitioners are in such high demand in healthcare. 

High Levels Of Autonomy And Job Satisfaction

As per the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, FNPs are authorized to practice their roles in 23 states. It implies that they possess far more autonomy than RNs in the healthcare sector. Therefore, they can work more flexibly and with immense freedom in diagnosing and treating their patients. Because of their flexible roles, FNPs often have to travel and work in different locations and environments with patients from various age groups and biological backgrounds. This divergence keeps things exciting at their jobs and presents new and exciting challenges every day. The same leads them to be greatly satisfied with their jobs.

Family Nurse Practitioners Enjoy Profound Monetary Benefits

Salary is the one thing that motivates people to go for a certain line of profession. There is no denying that it is one of the most well-paid careers in the United States and globally. On the other hand, family nurse practitioners are paid significantly more than ordinary registered nurses. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), FNPs make over $111,000 annually, on average. But, of course, the pay scales are heavily dependent on where the nurses get posted or what kind of responsibilities come under their role. However, even with all of these factors combined, FNPs make far more money than most other nurses in the healthcare industry.

Endless Job Opportunities

As previously stated, the primary care business is in critical need of nurse practitioners. Hence, when you look for employment, you’ll find that most openings have stated family nursing certification as a requirement. However, since FNPs are qualified to deal with patients in multiple clinical settings, most hospitals and clinics with diverse footfalls prefer hiring them instead of other nurses.

You Get To Learn Additional Skills And Procedures

One of the top benefits of becoming a family nurse practitioner is that you get the opportunity to work in all kinds of clinical settings. It implies that you may end up working in a clinic or the orthopedics department. Based on your interest and however fate aligns with your career, wherever you end up working on completing clinical hours, you’ll get to learn the skills of the particular department. For example, if you’re working in a gynecology clinic, you may learn IUD insertions or relevant procedures. Whatever skill you learn will only add more entries to your resume and broaden your job opportunities in the future.

Get The Chance To Work For The Government Or The Military

Suppose you want to secure your career and are looking forward to working with more authorized organizations. In that case, family nursing is the choice for you. Governments and military forces are always on the lookout for people who can provide holistic care to the population in favorable and unfavorable circumstances. For them, family nurse practitioners are the best option. With an FNP certification and the relevant skillset, you might be able to secure your dream job.

Pass On The Knowledge You Collect On The Way

You’ll learn a lot from your patients as you advance in your family nursing profession, from diagnosing and treating them. Your unique abilities and expertise will not only help you flourish in difficult and pleasant situations. However, you could teach them to other nursing students. As mentioned earlier, an FNP certification broadens your options for a career. It also makes you eligible to become a teacher in nursing schools. Teaching can be done as a part-time job while working as a nurse. It can be an additional means of learning and enhancing your career outlook.

Extended Scope Of Practice

The best part about family nursing is the scope of practice that authorizes you to perform many jobs that allow you to take control of your patient’s treatment. For example, you may diagnose, treat, prescribe medication, order lab tests, or make treatment plans for your patients. As per your patient assessment, you will refer them to other specialists. You will also be responsible for counseling your patients and their families during a time of need.

The Bottom Line

To sum it up, family nursing is probably the best option out there for potential nurses. It enables you to have maximum job stability, work in a diverse workplace, and have a high level of job satisfaction. Besides that, if you’re lucky and meet the criteria accurately, you may even score a job with the government or the military forces. You can gain additional skills to strengthen your resume depending on where you’re assigned for your clinical hours.

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