How To Grow Cannabis In Your Backyard?

The medicinal benefits of cannabis have been discovered and proved recently. With the increasing popularity and demand, people worldwide are increasingly interested in growing their own cannabis in their homes. Growing your cannabis can be an easier experience than you expected. Cannabis is an easy-to-grow plant; you just have to be aware of the process.

Many people suggest buying cannabis and growing them indoors with administered climate conditions and environment. But this might not be the best and easiest idea, as it will cost a lot and need constant care and time investment.

Growing cannabis outdoors, in comparison, can be more convenient. You will just need to Buy Obama Runtz Seeds and the bare minimum, like the essential gardening tools, some space in your backyard, water and soil. Other things like sun, wind, etc., are readily available in nature. Moreover, the natural environment and growing conditions produce a variety of cannabinoids and terpenes.

Grow Cannabis Outdoors    

Climate And Temperature

Cannabis is a well-adapted plant. Over time it has adapted to the climate of various regions worldwide, from cool and arid mountains to humid coastal areas to warm temperate regions. But, that does not mean it can grow in extreme weather plants. Cannabis is highly susceptible to extreme weather conditions. Heavy rains and high winds can also affect the growth, excessive moisture can cause molds, and winds can physically damage the plant. It is ideal when the daytime temperature is between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit for cannabis growth.   

Choose Your Perfect Cannabis Growing Spot

It is important that you understand the climate of your area before you start cultivating cannabis. A better understanding of the weather and a few measures that enable an ideal environment for its growth ensure high yield.  

Spot: Sunlight and Wind

The cannabis plant needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day, and your plants should receive as much midday sunlight as possible. Find a spot in your backyard with uninterrupted and direct sunlight throughout the day. 

It will reach the flowering stage as the season changes to fall, and the plant will need less and less sunlight. So, keep this in mind as well. If in hot climate conditions, a constant breezy wind can be helpful for the plant’s growth.

Security of Your Spot

Growing cannabis might not be so tricky, but protecting it can be. Nature’s gifts like unfavorable weather conditions, weeds, and pests are not the only threats you have to deal with. You might want to conceal your plant from the potential thieves among your neighbors who are after your weed. Fences and high walls might work for you.

Moreover, many states that legalized cannabis plants demand that they be concealed from the streets. In that case, a secluded place away from streets and people’s eyes can be an ideal spot.

Grow In Pot Or Ground

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. You can choose to grow the plant in a pot which will make it easy to move and prevent it from adverse weather conditions like high rain, wind, and blazing sun during the flowering stage. You can move it anywhere anytime. It can also be the best option if the soil in your backyard is not best suited for cannabis growth.  If you are not very interested or capable of doing heavy labor like digging holes and amending soil, then pots can be suitable for you. It is easy to administer the soil in a small pot area.

But, growing it directly in the soil has its benefits. Bigger plants can not be cultivated in pots. So, if you plan to buy cannabis plants and grow them, the ground is your answer. The root growth is not restricted; they grow thick and deep to support the giant plant.

Soil And Type Fit

The quality potting soil with enough nutrients can get the plant through the whole growth phase without additional amendments. Potting soil from the nursery can be a convenient option for beginners.

You can choose to make your potting soil using worm castings, compost, etc., with your good garden soil and let it sit for a few weeks. This pre-fertilized soil has enough organic nutrients to start your plant’s growth cycle.

Taking Care of The Plant


Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the three primary nutrients cannabis plants need to grow. Plants need more nitrogen during the vegetative phase, which helps them form roots and leaves, the primary flower structure. As the flowering stage starts, more phosphorus and potassium are required. As the flowering cycle ends, nitrogen is majorly consumed, and other nutrients are being consumed.


As the plants grow, they consume the nutrients from your pre-fertilized potting soil and will need more nutrients to grow and flower. The cannabis plant flowering requires more nutrients than many other plants in your backyard, especially when it enters the flowering stage.

The nutrients mentioned above are not sufficiently present in the soil and environment, so you must add them as amendments.

All-in-one fertilizers can be harmful as they might contain too much nitrogen than required during the flowering stage. Its unnaturally high nitrogen level can also kill the beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Instead, you can choose a lineup of nutrients created specifically for the ones buying cannabis plants. They come along with a feeding chart that will help avoid under or over-feeding.

Controlling Weed and Pests

Weeds and pests are inevitable during outdoor cultivation. But, you can avoid them with proper measures and planning. Weeds are not harmful for the growth of cannabis, but they can compete for nutrients. So, you can either regularly clear the buffer area around your plants– uprooting the weeds yourselves or use a light layer of mulch on the soil to prevent them from germinating.

Avoiding pests can be tricky. Spraying chemical pesticides or weedicides is a big NO. Cannabis is a bio-accumulator known for its ability to absorb harmful substances from the environment.

Concluding Thoughts

Growing cannabis can be as tricky as easy. Using this cannabis properly is as important as growing it. Make sure you are using it medicinally, and no one else is stealing it from your backyard to have a high trip of their own. The information mentioned earlier is helpful, but there are additional steps that you can follow to make sure of the higher yields. Some techniques like sugaring the cannabis, watering it properly, bud washing, green-housing, etc., can help the growth. 

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