How To Cure Varicose Veins With The Help Of Tomato

Approximate 20% of the US adults are suffering from varicose veins – The result of this recent research indicate that varicose veins have become a serious health matter threatening everyone at the moment. You, your neighbor, your colleagues, and even I, can fall victim to it. The question here is if it’s not too dangerous to get surgery, is there any way to effectively reduce varicose veins?

There’s a lot of simple ways with natural ingredients are recommended and tomato is a highlight one. You are finding out what tomato can help, don’t you? Scroll down! I’ll show you how to cure varicose veins with the help of tomato.

Causes Of Varicose Vein

Now, let’s start with the definition of varicose veins to make sure that you clicked to a right article to see how to cure varicose veins with the help of tomato.

The common symptoms of varicose veins are soreness, swelling, numbness and leg cramps, which are often confused with arthritis. That’s why you should clearly know the speciality of each disease to have a suitable treatment.

Varicose vein appears when the valves are getting worse, allowing the blood to flow back to feet instead of toward the heart as its proper function. Due to high pressure of lower body, this refluence results stagnant blood that makes the blood vessels become enlarged, twisted and swelling.

People suffer from varicose veins are those who often stand or sit for long periods of time. Obesity, pregnancy, age and family history are also the risk factors.

How To Cure Varicose Veins With The Help Of Tomato?

Well, what key ingredients in tomato that can make such a miraculous solution?

According to specialists, thanks to the activity of acetylsalicylic acid, tomato can dilute the blood. If the green tomato can immediately blur the veins under the skin, the ripe red tomato with flavonoids bearing can strengthen the vein walls.

Besides, the alkaloid solanine in green tomato can also naturally reduce blood clots.

Hence, using tomatoes may ease the symptoms of varicose veins in the early stages of the disease.

Remedy For Varicose Veins With Tomatoes

Treating varicose veins by tomato is quite easy and absolutely can do at home by yourself. So, how to cure varicose veins with the help of tomato? There are 2 options for you as following:

Apply the fresh tomato on the skin

  • Make sure that the tomato is washed under pure water first
  • Slice it into some thin slices and apply straight on the varicose veins skin
  • Use a layer of cloth to hold it for around 4 hours
  • Regularly change the tomato 3-4 times per day. It is recommended to do at night for the best result
  • Some stitches may happen but no worry it’s just the way tomatoes are affecting your veins.

Enjoy the fresh tomato juice

  • Prepare 2 green tomatoes and a spoon of honey
  • Peel off the tomato skin and use the tomato inside to puree with honey
  • Enjoy a glass of healthy juice every morning before breakfast

The advantage of cure the varicose veins by tomato

Natural and safe

Instead of using a lot of medicine to treat varicose veins, you can fully take advantage of nature.

Tomato is an all-natural product that is completely benign and almost no risk to the skin. This is a reasonable measure for those who are looking for safe and long-term treatment.     

Cheap and simple

Tomato is cheap! It’s an undeniable conclusion. You can freely find it anywhere in the world, from market to supermarket at an affordable price.

And as I mentioned above, the way of how to cure varicose veins with the help of tomato is very simple also. If the tomato is too strong to irritate, just rinse under the cold water immediately

Quick and effective

The effect of using a tomato is quite fast. Only after 2 weeks, you can easily see that your veins are faded if following the steps and do it regularly daily.

Check here for more information about persimmon juice.

How To Choose A Good Tomato

Let me share you some small tips to choose and preserve the tomato for a safe and long-term use

  • Choose fruits that have no dark, non-crushing chunk, and the skin is not wrinkled.
  • Slightly press to check if the inside is still succulent.
  • Look closely at the stalk and choose a green one. Pull gently and check if it still sticks to the body, the tomato ripens naturally without any chemicals
  • To avoid being rotted, don’t put the tomatoes on top of each other. If needed, lay a napkin or newspaper between the layers.

In Conclusion

Chronic varicose veins are usually not so dangerous but surely that it will make you feel uncomfortable and annoy your life. So, how to cure varicose veins with the help of tomato? Just try the instruction above and get the varicose veins out with fresh natural tomato!

Thank you so much for spending your time till the end of this page. If you succeed in using tomato to treat varicose veins, please support me to click the share button to make this article spread!

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