7 Life Skills You Can Learn for Free

You learn a lot in school and college but not everything. When I had time to write and fix my paper I found out that here are many things that you learn with time from experience and seeing your elders do it. These skills are necessary for a successful life. Examples of these skills are cooking a tasty meal or speaking to the public at a forum.

Here are seven such skill that you have to learn and you can learn all of them free.

1. Budgeting

How to control and track your expenditures to keep them compatible with your income is budgeting. You can do this by keeping a record of all of your expenditures. This way you will have better look at things where you can cut your expenses to save for your retirement plan, paying off a debt, or buying a dream home.

It is better to record your income and expenditure in a spreadsheet.

2. Public Speaking

Public speaking is not only limited to a politician or a pastor, everyone needs to speak publicly at some point in life. The moment when you need to speak at a public forum can be a meeting, a eulogy at a funeral, or a wedding speech.

You can find a lot of online courses that are free to learn the art of public speaking. There are several books to learn this skill. One tip is to practice monologues in front of the mirror.

3. Speed Reading

Reading a lot of books in less time is only possible if you have a faster reading speed with comprehension. Online education platforms offer courses to learn speed reading. One example of such a platform is Skillshare.

4. Speaking a Second Language

Learning a second language is another essential skill that everyone wants to learn but unable to do so because they don’t have time to attend classes in an institute. With several online educational platforms, now you don’t need to have free time as only 30-40 minutes daily are enough for learning a second language.

5. Cooking

Cooking food is not a mandatory skill but an important one if you want to enjoy delicious and tasty food. There are several elements to cooking that you need to know if you want to try something new in your kitchen. Youtube and other platforms have a lot of cooking videos where you can learn different foods from different cultural backgrounds.

6. Sewing

You can save a lot of money if you know basic sewing skills because it enables you to reattach buttons, repair minor rips, or hem pants to reduce their length. You can adjust the clothes of your children as they grow and have weight fluctuations without asking a specialized tailor to do it for you.

7. Writing

Writing is a skill that everyone needs to learn. It is not only crucial to become a bestselling author but important to succeed in any profession. As an employee in an organization, you have to write emails, persuasion letters, memos, many other things. You can find a lot of writing courses that are free on Coursera or Udemy.

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