Pet lovers have turned their attention towards a natural remedy to treat health issues to their furry friends. Herbal supplements have a broad set of health benefits without any side effects. Most of them started treating their pets with natural supplements, which is kratom. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical herbal plant that grows in Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Sumatra. Kratom is a natural supplement that carries more than 25 alkaloids. The main active alkaloids are mitragynine, 7-hydroxy mitragynine, speciociliatine, pynantheine, and speciogynine. Many anecdotal testimonials from pet parents claim that the herb gold maeng da kratom gives positive results for themselves and their pets. They offer several health benefits to all kinds of pet animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, even lizards, etc., in relieving pain, enhancing mood, boosting the immune system, and increasing the energy level.
Is kratom an opioid?
Kratom is an herbal plant with many chemical constituents. The main ingredient mentioned above is an alkaloid that acts like an opioid. It binds with mu-type receptors and results in enormous effects like pain relief, sedation, and a sense of pleasure. The most active alkaloids associated with the many health ailments are mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. Kratom is safe for animals when given in the prescribed amounts.
How does kratom work for pets?
Different combinations of chemicals present in the kratom give benefits in different ways. The dosage amount is essential to maintain, with a small dose to get better results. They provide an analgesic effect and also act as a cough suppressant. When taken in a low dose, kratom acts as a stimulant and binds to adenosine, adrenergic, and serotonin receptors in the brain. At higher concentrations, it results in a sedative. It acts against mu, kappa, and delta-opioid receptors in the brain. The binding of alkaloids to the receptors results in the release of endorphins, dynorphins, and enkephalins. They are the neurotransmitters involved in suppressing pain, making calm, feeling better, etc.
Different strains of kratom
There are different strains of kratom available for pet animals. Choosing the best one for your pet animal is challenging at the beginning. Apart from searching on the internet about selecting strains and looking at pet owners’ reviews, it is recommended to prioritize the one that matches your pet’s needs. They are as follows:
a. Maeng da kratom
It is a red kratom from Indonesia and provides a high level of energy and helps to relieve the pain. Pet lovers from all over the world commented that kratom makes their pets happy, refreshing, and especially makes them calm.
b. Green Malay kratom
Green Malay kratom is a plant found in the Malaysian forests. A higher concentration of alkaloids in the plant helps manage pain and improves their quality of sleep. It is a perfect option for restless dogs and other animals, which may become active.
c. Indo kratom
It consists of a high amount of 7-hydroxy mitragynine, suitable for pain treatment. This kratom acts as a sedative that is given to the animals recovering from the surgery or with severe cases of hip dysplasia.
d. Sunda kratom
Sunda kratom is present only in the Sunda Islands, and its leaves are made into powder for use. Many pet owners claim that this kratom helped their beloved companion to feel happy.
e. Bali kratom
As its name indicates, this kratom comes from a place called Bali. It works as an excellent pain reliever, along with red kratom. Also, it has mild energy-boosting properties and promotes relaxation.
Figuring out the proper kratom dosage for your pets
It is necessary to figure out the proper dosage for your pet that can take some time. You may catch it from the websites designed to help you calculate the amount of kratom you need. The dosage depends upon your pet’s size, age, and weight. A bigger size requires a large dose, whereas a small size needs only a small dosage. The appropriate dosage for a human being is 7 to 10 mg. From this, one-third of that is enough for the four-legged animals. A small dose of 1 to 2 mg is enough, and try this to see how it could help your pet more than medicines.
It is recommended to add probiotics to support the digestion of alkaloids present in the kratom.
Ways to give it to your pet
Humans can take kratom in capsules, tea, or powder form. But for the pets, it should make it more interesting for its use.
1. To cover the bitter taste of kratom, mix it with sugar-free peanut butter. Most of the pets are crazy for the peanut butter sandwich spread, and they will enjoy this treat.
2. Kratom can be mixed with a portion of food, like a hamburger or beef bits, which the animals love to eat.
3. The animals like rabbits, rats, etc., who love to eat vegetables may be given kratom through the apples, steamed pumpkin, etc.
4. Kratom powder is mixed with beef bone, which dogs always love.
5. Kratom powder can be mixed directly when you give moist food to the animals.
6. Kratom can be rubbed on the canine’s gum. The mucous membrane absorbs the liquid quickly. This method helps the pet to be free from pain immediately.
Potential benefits of kratom for pets
Here are a few benefits experienced by animals by consuming kratom. They are as follows:
1. Helps in treating anxiety
The main factor responsible for making any pet animal inactive or aggressive is anxiety. Many kratom strains are there to strengthen the conditions of pets. The red Bali kratom gives the aroma to energize the pets and pain-killing effects. The active ingredients called mitragynine present in the kratom helps to suppress chronic pain by binding with an opioid receptor. It helps to alleviate anxiety caused by pain.
2. Helps in treating arthritis
The animals suffering from arthritis or bone or joint pain may lead a sluggish life. Kratom relieves arthritis pain and manages chronic pain. From your confirmation, you can go through the positive review many pet owners give on the website.
3. Helps in treating seizures
Treatment for animals with epilepsy can be a daunting task for your pets. Adding kratom into your pet’s food with the correct dosage may help to cure seizures without causing any harmful effects.
4. Helps to increase appetite
Sometimes, the animals neglect to eat food due to digestive problems, stress, or other reasons. Introducing kratom to its food will increase its hunger and demand more food. Pet owners tried this claim that their pet animals will no longer avoid eating, and additionally, kratom helps improve its energy level and strength.
Kratom has health benefits for both humans and animals. You have to consult with a vet before you introduce kratom to pets. The lack of information causes some adverse effects and makes your pets suffer. Proper guidance about kratom dosage will be given by your vet and ways to include it in their diet. Knowing the ancient history of kratom and its benefits, people use kratom to treat various ailments of their pets. A group of veterinarians emphasized kratom as herbal medicine, which has the potential and could be used as a safer option compared to commercial drugs.