A paramedic or EMT is a healthcare worker who is an expert in the art of emergency treatment. However, please don’t confuse them with a physician’s assistant, a nurse, or a doctor. They are an entirely different breed of medical professionals.
But before we dive into what these individuals do, we must first look at the meaning of the word ‘paramedic.’ The word ‘Para’ stands for ‘next to.’ In contrast, the word ‘medic’ stands for ‘doctor.’ This means that these professionals work alongside doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. They are the first point of contact during an emergency.
In addition, paramedics typically work inside ambulances and emergency rooms. Some other settings they work in include; police departments, ocean rescue teams, festivals, and fire departments, to name a few. Moreover, paramedics are sometimes also known as EMTs.
Paramedics and EMTs transport or stabilize patients and take them to their nearest medical facilities for further treatment. Plus, paramedics and EMTs have more skills and specialized training than doctors and nurses. That said, every healthcare professional cannot become a great paramedic or EMT.
They have to learn a few skills and acquire some qualities that make them masters of their art. And today, this article is all about that. Following are seven qualities of a good paramedic.
Immense medical knowledge
It takes a lot of effort and patience through paramedic school as paramedics’ and EMTs’ jobs rely heavily on their medical knowledge. In addition, they need to know how to treat every type of medical emergency properly and quickly, ensuring the patient reaches the medical facility before expiring.
That said, both individuals can accomplish this b enrolling in one of the many specialized medical degrees or EMT refresher courses available online. Doing so will ensure you follow the latest guidelines and emergency care techniques while improving your medical knowledge.
They know how to deal with stress and pressure
You might have heard commentators saying players having ice in their veins. It usually implies staying calm and handling themselves under immense pressure and stress. The same is the case for paramedics and EMTs.
As these medical professionals have to encounter unexpected situations and medical emergencies in their line of work, they must know how to deal with pressure and stress properly as a patient’s life hangs on their ability to take swift action.
After all, your role is to solve problems while providing care, ensuring you don’t get caught in the moment. In the end, every EMT and paramedic must follow protocols and utilize their training when they show up at the emergency scene.
They must show a professional and kind presence at the scene
You might picture an EMT or a paramedic as someone who shows up at the accident scene and determines the injury while keeping the patient stable. However, this is real-life, and patients are not CPR dummies for these professionals.
A good paramedic or EMT should know how to communicate appropriately with the injured patients, their families, and bystanders witnessing the care they are giving. They also need to have a professional and calm scene presence. If they don’t, the injured patient probably won’t let them administer any treatment at all.
That said, being bossy won’t get you anywhere. Instead, it would be best if you remained empathic and calm than being authoritative and loud.
They must always be compassionate
Compassion is amongst the essential qualities that a good paramedic or EMT must possess. Most individuals who want to become a paramedic or an EMT are drawn to this profession due to their compassion and desire to help people in need. After all, becoming an EMT or paramedic is all about empathy. It is not a job. Instead, it is a calling.
Such a thing matters a lot because you won’t be helping patients with common injuries only. Instead, you will be doing so through their worst times. It requires connecting with people on a personal level, especially during times when they are most vulnerable. In the end, being compassionate won’t help you win all the battles. However, it will make you a better paramedic or EMT.
They should know how to make sound judgments and decisions
Having good decision-making and judgment skills is vital to being an excellent paramedic or EMT. However, your decision-making skills will usually depend on your training. That said, you will have to go through many emergencies where you will have to call upon your decision-making and judgment skills to ensure your patients receive the care they need.
On the flip side, you won’t always know what to do. But that is why your partner will be of immense importance here. Furthermore, the more experience you get dealing with patients, the better your decision-making and judgment skills will become.
They should be team players
During medical emergencies, paramedics and EMTs must maintain control to help injured patients and diffuse the situation. However, you won’t be the only one at the scene. There will be other first-responders present at the scene as well.
So, you have to ensure that you get along with them and put aside any personal differences, focusing on the patients’ safety alone. Moreover, you’ll have to stay in touch with emergency dispatch to provide details to the patients’ nurses or doctors for when they arrive at the medical facility.
They must always remain flexible
Being a paramedic or EMT, you will have to deal with medical emergencies at the most inconvenient times. If you are not flexible enough, becoming an EMT or a paramedic is not the right career choice.
That said, these medical professionals may also find themselves working in a constantly changing environment. While such a thing will frustrate you early on in your career, you must always stay prepared to tackle any situation, adapting quickly and prioritizing your patient at all costs.
Being a paramedic or an EMT is not an easy feat. It takes a lot of courage, passion, hard work, and dedication to deal with medical emergencies that you have no control over. You will never really know what to expect when you reach the emergency scene.
However, if you love to help people in need of medical assistance or want to enjoy the excitement of fueling yourself on adrenaline, such a career choice will be immensely fruitful for you!