Spectral CT: A New Way to Diagnose Sports Injuries

Do you have a sports injury that just won’t go away? Are you unsure of the cause of your pain or how to treat it? If so, you may want to consider getting a spectral CT scan. This scan is a new way to diagnose sports injuries, and doctors can provide athletes with a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

What Is a Spectral CT Scan and How Does It Work?

A spectral CT scan is a dual-energy CT scan that uses two different energy levels to image the body. It allows doctors to see the bone and soft tissue in one scan. While a traditional CT scan can show bones, muscles, and other tissues, it cannot always accurately show the source of pain or injury. A scan for injury can help doctors identify the source of pain, as well as the severity of the injury.

How Can a Spectral CT Scan Help Athletes?

A spectral CT scan can help athletes in several ways. Here are a few examples:

  1. Accurately diagnose an injury: A spectral CT scan can help doctors accurately diagnose an injury. It is beneficial for athletes with chronic pain or injuries that do not respond to treatment.
  2. Develop a treatment plan: Once an injury is diagnosed, a doctor can develop a treatment plan. This plan may include surgery, physical therapy, or other treatments.
  3. Monitor the healing process: A spectral CT scan can help doctors monitor the healing process. It is helpful for athletes recovering from an injury and needs to know if their injury is healing properly.
  4. Prevent future injuries: A spectral CT scan can help doctors prevent future injuries. It is particularly beneficial for athletes who are prone to re-injury.
  5. Improve performance: A spectral CT scan can help doctors improve performance. This is notably beneficial for athletes preparing for a competition or event.

How To Get a Spectral CT Scan

If you think a spectral CT scan may be helpful for you, talk to your doctor. Your doctor will be able to tell you if this scan is proper for you and how to go about getting one. But getting a scan is easy if you have consent from your doctor. Many hospitals and clinics offer this scan, so finding one near you should not be a problem.

What To Expect During Your Scan

When you get a spectral CT scan, there are a few things that you can expect. These include:

  • You will be asked to remove any clothing or jewellery blocking the area from being scanned.
  • You will be asked to lie on a table.
  • The table will then move you through the CT scanner.
  • You may be asked to hold your breath for short periods during the scan.
  • The whole process usually takes less than 30 minutes.

After Your Scan

Once your scan is done, they will send the images to a radiologist for interpretation. The radiologist will then send a report to your doctor. Finally, your doctor will discuss your scan results and tell you what they mean.

Moreover, you can return to your normal activities after your scan. There is no recovery time or side effects from this scan. But, in some rare cases, if you were injected with contrast dye, you may have side effects from the dye. The radiologist will ask you about any allergies before injecting the dye.

As always, if you have any concerns or questions about your scan, be sure to ask your doctor.

Most Common Injuries Scanned

Many different types of injuries can be diagnosed with a spectral CT scan. Some of the most common injuries that are scanned for include:

  • Achilles tendon tears: The Achilles tendon is the large tendon at the back of your ankle. It attaches your calf muscle to your heel bone. This tendon can become damaged with overuse or sudden injury.
  • Ankle sprains: An ankle sprain occurs when you twist or unnaturally turn your ankle. It can cause the ligaments in your ankle to stretch or tear.
  • Knee sprains: A knee sprain occurs when you twist or unnaturally turn your knee. It can cause the ligaments in your knee to stretch or tear.
  • Muscle strains: A muscle strain occurs when you overuse or injure a muscle. It can cause the muscle to become weak, tight, or painful.

If you think a spectral CT scan may be helpful for you, talk to your doctor. This scan can provide clear and accurate images that can help doctors to better diagnose and treat your injury. With a more precise diagnosis and treatment plan, you may be able to reduce your recovery time, experience less pain, and improve your overall function.

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