6 Symptoms That Might Indicate That You Have Anemia

Anemia is a disorder in which the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to its tissues. It affects a large number of people, with the majority of individuals with anemia being completely unaware of their condition.

Nevertheless, the seriousness of anemia can range from mild to severe, and thus can be treated in a variety of ways, from taking vitamins to undergoing medical procedures. It is sometimes even prevented by simply switching to a more nutritious and varied diet. Because it is something that people are not always aware of, we’ve compiled a list of the most likely and prevalent symptoms associated with this condition.


One of the most prevalent anemia symptoms is extreme tiredness. The fatigue occurs because the body lacks iron which is needed in order to produce a protein called hemoglobin, which significantly helps with the spread of oxygen to every cell of the body. In fact, it is the lack of iron that causes the condition known as anemia.

Because tiredness is commonly regarded as an everyday component of modern life, diagnosing anemia solely because of this symptom has become difficult in recent years. However, fatigue caused by this condition is almost always accompanied by the feeling of weakness, difficulty concentrating, or irritability.

Pale skin

Another symptom that may indicate the presence of anemia is paler-than-normal skin and pale pigmentation on the inside of the lower eyelids. The upper-mentioned protein hemoglobin is what gives the red blood cells their color. That’s why the skin color of people with anemia can appear to be paler than the average person.

This symptom alone is enough for doctors to diagnose anemia, however, a blood test should also be conducted to confirm its presence. It is also worth mentioning that pale skin is a sign of a moderate or more severe case of anemia. 

Dry and damaged hair and skin

As mentioned above anemia occurs when the levels of iron in the body are lower than normal. This lowers the hemoglobin in the body, which may also reduce the amount of oxygen used by the hair-growing cells. Skin and hair alike can become dry and weak if deprived of oxygen.

It’s totally normal for some hair to fall out while washing or combing on a regular basis. However, if a large amount of hair falls off, that may be a sign of anemia.

Shortness of breath

Because low hemoglobin levels prevent the body from adequately transferring oxygen to the muscles and tissues, shortness of breath is another indication of the presence of anemia. As a result, the body will strive to receive more oxygen, making the breathing rate increase which results in shortness of breath.

This will lead to reduced muscle capacity, which, in turn, makes everyday activities leave the person out of breath, and activities such as walking will become even harder to perform.

Heart palpitation

Heart palpitations, or noticeable heartbeats, are another indication of anemia. The hemoglobin, as we already mentioned, aids in the delivery of oxygen throughout the body. Low hemoglobin levels imply that the heart needs extra hard work to transport oxygen.

This might cause irregular heartbeats or the sensation that the heart is pounding too quickly. As a result, iron deficiency or anemia can intensify heart conditions such as heart failure and coronary disease.


Another symptom that may be associated with anemia is the frequent occurrence of headaches. They are usually a sign that signals a lack of oxygen in the brain. As a result, the arteries in the head begin to swell, which causes pain.

Headaches, like other symptoms, are not a definite sign that a person is anemic. Many different illnesses and disorders cause headaches, the only way to confirm an anemia diagnosis for sure is when headaches are accompanied by any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Final thoughts

Anemia is normally a minor health issue, but if left untreated for a long time, it may become a very serious and threatening condition. Many people all over the world are affected by this blood disorder and the number of anemic individuals is increasing with each passing year.

This condition is often left untreated because it is almost always hard to detect. The symptoms often match the everyday components of an average person’s life. What is important is that if a person experiences any of these symptoms they should not hesitate and seek medical consultations as soon as possible.

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