7 Tips for Taking Care Of Your Newborn

Newborns are the most beautiful yet vulnerable beings on this planet, and they need a lot of attention and care. From the start of pregnancy to when the baby is born, parents should take great care of the baby. According to NCBI, the first four weeks of an infant’s life are crucial, and continuous extreme care is compulsory.

Taking care of a newborn can be a rewarding experience if done right. However, newborns can be very demanding of love and care. You may feel overwhelmed and exhausted, not knowing what to do, but it is normal and does not make you a bad parent. Therefore, if you need extra help taking care of your newborn, do not feel embarrassed and ask for help. You aren’t alone in this, and there are plenty of resources and tips to help you become the best parent. Some of them are as follows:

Go for regular checkups

To keep your child healthy, you should attend regular physical examinations, vaccinations, and checkups with your pediatrician. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you should take your baby for at least nine checkups during the first three years of their life.

If you notice something went wrong during pregnancy or after delivery with your baby, consider getting help. For example, birth injuries like cerebral palsy can occur in babies because of medical malpractice or negligence during labor.

Cerebral palsy is a grave medical issue, and the child may need treatment for the rest of their life. Therefore, parents should take the necessary action by filing a cerebral palsy lawsuit against the medical team responsible. It will help you get financial compensation for your child and deal with future complications. Moreover, it will also ensure that only the best and most competent doctors are on board afterward.

Therefore, mothers and babies should get proper medical attention before and after delivery to minimize these incidences.

Take care of yourself

A newborn needs constant attention and love. However, looking after a baby round the clock can make you feel weary and tired. To stay healthy and full of energy, you should eat a healthy diet containing sufficient protein, healthy fats (omega 3), carbohydrates, etc. Keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water. This will help if the mother’s breastfeeding the baby. According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, a breastfeeding mother should consume 2,300-2,500 calories per day, and a non-breastfeeding woman should consume 1,800-2,000 calories. If you decided to formula feed your baby make sure to provide them with high quality baby formula from The Milky Box store.Their professional team will answer all your questions and help you choose the right product for your baby.

Try to resist the urge to drink caffeine because it is not nourishing for your body and disrupts your sleep cycle. According to CDC, a minimum of 300 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe for breastfeeding mothers.

Newborns do not have a set sleep schedule which can make your sleep cycle irregular, and you may get little to no sleep. To get enough sleep, you can sleep when the baby sleeps and make a schedule with your partner so both of you can get rest.

Establish some rules

Establish some ground rules around your baby around the house. For example, limit the baby’s exposure to dust and germs. Clean the surfaces of your home with a mild disinfectant and clean your hands when you or others hold the baby.

Keep the baby clean and dry, change diapers regularly, and bath them with a mild soap free of sulfates, phthalates, and parabens.

If the baby is very fussy, try playing and conversating with the baby. Do not shake the baby too much because it can cause harm to the baby’s brain. Therefore, rock the baby gently, support the baby’s neck, and sing them a lullaby to help them calm down and sleep.

Moreover, take great care of the newborn umbilical cord. According to a parenting specialist Jami Yaeger, the umbilical cord will fall off in 1-2 weeks on its own: but as a parent, you should keep an eye out for signs of infection.

Limit visiting hours

Having a newborn is very exciting for people in your circle as well. Friends and family may come from different workplaces to congratulate you and admire your baby. However, this is not safe for the baby because its immune system is not strong enough and its body is still adjusting to the environment. 

To minimize the exposure to your baby, you can set visiting times. Let only trusted visitors hold your baby and make sure that anybody who is ill stays home.

Expect a rollercoaster of emotions

After pregnancy, your hormones change drastically, and it may take a while to get back to normal levels. Your emotions will vary because of altering hormones. For example, you may go from adoring your baby to crying over your ability to take care of the newborn. According to NCBI, abrupt and dramatic changes in hormonal levels after delivery can also cause postpartum depression.

Therefore, you and your partner can do a one-to-one pep talk session, and you can explain whatever is bothering you. To ease your emotions, you both can also watch something humorous to lighten the mood.

Get out of the house

Maternal leave is helpful for your body to heal, but sometimes staying at home can make you feel irritated. If you feel that way, go for a light walk in some fresh air to clear and relax your mind.

If the baby is fussy, you can also take it outside to change the environment and help them experience the outside world. Good habits like walking or slow jogging will help you maintain the energy you need to look out for your newborn.

Seek help

Taking care of a newborn is not just the parent’s job. If you have a hard time taking care of the baby, ask your friends and family for help. Ask them to run a few errands when you’re caught up with your child.


Parenting is exciting yet very challenging, even on good days. If you’re having trouble adjusting to your life with a newborn: you can follow these simple techniques or talk to a professional for help. Learning to handle this new stress can help you balance your life and enjoy the joys parenting offers.

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