Top 8 Exercises for Healthy Weight Loss and Improved Fitness

Like every other year, did 2021 also start with the “New year, new me” or are you just satisfied with your panda-life? 

Although it sounds quite exciting, sooner or later the eat-sleep-repeat routine shows its repercussions. (Been there, done that!)

So it’s better to get a hold of yourself well in advance and set a proper workout routine. Even if you are not up for acquiring proper gym membership or getting yourself registered at some yoga studio, you can still maintain a good form by adding some basic exercises to your routine. 

In this blog, we will list down some basic easy-to-do exercises that will help you stay in good shape. Let’s get fit together. 

How Much Exercise Does an Average Person Need?

How much exercise is enough for me? It is one of the most common questions asked by people. 

The extent of workout depends on your fitness goals, daily activity level, and health. Exercise is not only important for overweight or heavy people. Even if you have a sleek and toned body (coughs *jealous* coughs), you need to set up a workout routine for a healthy lifestyle. 

Although for workout “the more, the better!” works very well and there is no out-and-out answer to encompass everyone. Here are some recommended daily activities for an average adult. 

  • Moderate intensity activity like walking for at least 20-30 minutes every day.
  • Dynamic activities like jogging or running for 10-20 minutes every day.
  • A mix of moderate and dynamic activity at least 4 days a week. 

Pro Tip: All these activities should be paired with a muscle-strengthening workout at least twice a week to maintain muscle strength. 

This is the average activity every adult should do. You can increase it to yield better and more visible results. 

Do Different Activities Show Different Results for Different People?

Have you ever been tempted by the “Get your dream body in just 7 days with these simple exercises!”, and started following a routine? 


Have you ever paired up with your friend or sibling and followed a workout routine? And drew different results while following the same routine? If that’s so, no wonder!

Different activities do have different impacts on different people. That’s because everybody reacts differently to each workout.  

Weighted squats would have a different impact on a three hundred pounds man as compared to that of a hundred pounds lean girl. The former would most probably be doing it to lose weight while the latter might be working out to gain body flexibility. Therefore, pick a workout regime that displays the best results for you. Stick to it and achieve your fitness goals

Best Exercises for Healthy Weight Loss 

With some facts laid out, we are now headed to mentioning some super-effective exercises that hands down provide incredible results. Here we go!

Walking; Does the Trick for Beginners

Walking – sounds quite ordinary, right!  

Can merely walking for half an hour every day really help with weight loss or is it just an overstatement? Can weight loss be this easy? 

Well, walking really is a magic-beans exercise for weight loss. It displays some super-impressive results in just a brief span of time. 

Walking is a very convenient and easy-to-do practice. It’s very light on beginners. Walking is a low-impact exercise so you don’t need to worry about straining your joints or muscles. You can conveniently fit walking into your routine. Early morning is the best time to yield optimum results but you walk any time of the day. Start with a 20 to 30 minutes daily walk and gradually increase the duration. 

Walking is effective for weight loss as well as for maintaining a good body shape. So no matter what you are aiming for, just set a routine and get started to experience some amazing results.

Jogging Or Running; To Level Up the Daily Exertion

If you want to level-up from walking – jogging or running is a way-to-go. 

Jogging is considered an effective weight loss exercise since the very outset. It’s a great practice to burn calories, lose harmful fat, and improve immunity to chronic diseases. 

Moreover, it’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine, does not need any special machines, and shows some super-awesome results. 

Lose weight, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your muscles, and maintain a healthy weight just by adding 20 to 30 minutes of jogging to your routine. 

Put on your trainers and hit the road!

Cycling; A Sure-Track to Fitness

Are you also fed up with fetching the grocery from the nearby store every so often? Well here is a fun way to carry out your daily chores while also burning your calories effectively. 

Cycling! Cycle your way to the store, get the condiments, and lose some fat.

Cycling is a multi-purpose drill suitable for kids, adults, and elders all alike. Is a low-impact, easy and eco-friendly practice. It has a bunch of benefits of which improved joint mobility, cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and lower cholesterol levels are the most prominent ones. 

Cycling is typically an outdoor sport but you can conveniently cycle inside your home through stationary bikes. Just cycle for 15-30 minutes every day and you will experience some remarkable results.

Swimming; An All-Rounder Exercise

Are you an Aquaphile? 

Well, glad tidings to you, for swimming is a very effective sport to lose weight and stay in shape. 

Swimming has plenty of health benefits. It helps maintain the heart rate, build high muscle strength, improve cardiovascular strength, maintain a healthy body mass, improve the functioning of lungs, and build body strength. Swimming is a great exercise to improve body flexibility. 

A membership at the aqua park will do the part. Swim for 30 minutes twice or thrice a week and score some evident health benefits.

Yoga; Meditate and Melt the Stress Down

Do everyday tasks wear you down? You don’t find the right motivation in you to get up and work out? 

You need to clear your mind of any stress, first. And what’s a better way to relieve stress and calm your mind than yoga and meditation. 

Amazingly enough, yoga and meditation are not only a good way to de-stress but also helps with weight loss. It’s a very effective exercise to improve body strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility. It also helps with the symptoms of arthritis and maintains better heart health. Yoga and meditation have a noticeable impact on mood and energy levels. Most importantly, meditation helps improve mental health along with physical health. 

Plus it’s very easy to practice yoga. You don’t need a wide space and lush space to meditate. Just find a tranquil corner in the house, lay your yoga mat and meditate.

Home gym mirror; A Happy-Go-Lucky Way to Lose Belly Fat

Sitting on your office table for 8 hours, curling up on the couch, Netflix and chilling, and then hitting the sack with long mirror. Does this sound familiar to you? 

If yes, you would have added sufficient layers of cholesterol on your belly (coming from a couch potato!). Well, Pilates can make amends here.  

In home gym mirror with Pilates is a beginner-friendly exercise effective for losing belly fat. It’s a combination of different exercises taken from yoga, ballet, and aerobics. Pilates is all about focus and concentration. It enhances body strength, flexibility and helps maintain a good body shape without sweating or straining. 

There are many exclusive pilates studios and many with full length mirror are also incorporating pilates in their general practices. You can also do pilates at home in front of mirror and lose a considerable amount of belly fat.

Aerobics; Sweat the Bad Fats Out

Do you like dancing in rhythm with the beats of your favorite songs? 

You can take your dance-mania to another level by turning it into a workout practice

Aerobics is kind of similar to dancing and thus a fun way to lose fat. It is mostly cardiovascular conditioning that provides strong control over-breathing. It helps reduce the risks of heart diseases, lowers blood pressure, improves body flexibility, and helps manage suitable body mass. 

A 30 minutes session of aerobics 5 times a week is enough to display positive effects on health.

In the last few years, science and technology have come a long way in aiding the entire fitness industry with data and information. Pembroke pines EMS studio is a cutting-edge revolutionary center that can help you reduce the fat quotient of your body through exercises that are guided by expert trainers using technological innovation. 

Weight Training; Build Your Muscles As Solid As a Rock

If you want to lose those extra calories in a flash, go for weight training. 

As heavy as it sounds, weight training is a vigorous exercise but the results are a fine payback for the toil. Weight training helps in losing the extra weight like nothing else. It improves bone density, increases muscle mass, boosts metabolism, and burns calories.

Working out for just 10-15 minutes twice or thrice a week would have a clear influence on the weight. 

Dos and Don’ts of Working Out

Exercising is all good and fine. However, there are some things that you should consider while working out to get the best results. 

  • Don’t get to the main exercise without warming up. Take your time, warm-up, and then lift the dumbbells you have your eyes on. 
  • Stay hydrated to maintain your body temperature. 
  • Maintain the right breathing pattern during different exercises. For expanse, exhale while lifting the weight up and inhale while releasing it.  
  • Stretch more before delving into intense training to improve flexibility and body mobility. 
  • Avoid jerky and intense movements during workouts.
  • And don’t forget to stick to an appropriate diet plan. 

Concluding Note!

Proper exercise and diet are important to lead a healthy life. However, how great it would be if you can enjoy your sweat sessions. For that, you don’t necessarily need to apply hard and long. Just choose an exercise that you enjoy, stick to it, and harness its benefits. 

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