Are you having trouble sleeping? – Here are top tips to help you fall asleep

Have you been sleeping for the recommended length of time? Getting adequate deep restorative sleep every night is crucial to your health and wellbeing.  That said, many people have trouble falling and staying asleep. This could explain why sleep disorders are on the rise and have increasingly becoming a great health concern.

Getting sufficient amounts of sleep may be central to cutting down the risk for these conditions. But how do you ensure you meet the 7-hour threshold for a comprehensive night in? Read on to catch unique and efficient insight on how to fall and stay asleep for longer.

Plan your exercise better

Exercise releases hormones to make you feel good.   It can also wear you out for wholesome and uninterrupted sleep. However, exercising at the wrong time can negatively affect your ability to fall asleep for some time. You need to try out different times during the day to engage in exercise and stick to the most convenient for well rested nights. You can also consider lighter exercises on alternate days to avoid building up fatigue.

Avoid caffeine after lunch

Caffeine can last in the body for up to 10 hours while significantly lowering your ability to fall asleep. While it doesn’t have extreme effects across all people, caffeine could impact your sleep schedule if ingested close to your bedtime. It combines with the sugar content to significantly hinder quick sleep. As such, you should limit any intake of coffee, sweets, chocolates, soda and other caffeinated products to a few hours before you go to bed.

Clean up your sleep environment

Your sleep problems may be as a result of a poor sleep environment.  You need to address any factors in your bedroom that may negatively impact your ability to fall asleep. This translates to limiting the use of any devices outside your bedroom. Do not watch television or enjoy your laptop when you should be planning to sleep. Avoid any sources of bright light and loud noise as these can impact your quality and quantity of sleep. Consider taking a book to bed instead of using your phone. Light emitting devices will disturb your sleep rhythm and should not be a part of your bedroom environment.

Find a comfortable mattress

You should also consider improving your bedroom’s comfort levels. There is a variety of bedding and mattress options, such as these Customer rated hybrids, which may enhance your sleep environment and ensure a full night’s rest. An ideal mattress should not be saggy or worn out, to prevent regularly interrupted sleep or shoulder and back pain. You should strongly consider firm options witch adequate support to ensure consistent sleep.

Think positively and take a warm bath

Negative emotions and stressful thoughts will hinder your ability to fall asleep quickly. You might be sleeping less and suffering without being aware of it. Instead of a negative approach, you may consider mindfulness and positive thinking to help channel your focus. You will be better able to fall asleep through meditation and focus as opposed to worrying about any problems you may be facing. You could also consider taking a warm bath with good quality body scrub to raise your body temperature and set a relaxed atmosphere for positive thought.

Soak in some sun

Your body is guided by circadian rhythm which naturally tunes you to a night time sleep cycle.  You can reset your internal clock by spending time outside during the day to soak in some sunlight. The high intensity sunlight will work to tune up your internal clock and ensure longer lasting periods of sleep at night. Remember to cut out any sources of blue light in your bedroom to avoid offsetting the balance.

Final word

You should be better able to sleep at night by setting up a schedule and sticking to it.  Develop and stick to a sleep schedule to improve your ability to fall asleep over time. Don’t forget to clean up your sleep environment and to leave all electronics outside the door.  You should also avoid any trigger foods, have your dinner really early and take a warm bath to help you fall asleep faster. If all else fails, you could consider natural supplements such as tart cherry extract and valerian to help promote your rest without affecting your natural balance.

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