Understand Your Fedora Hats to Bring Out the Best Style

Years ago, you would not find a man of status or style leaving the house without wearing headwear. The iconic fedora hat and its legacy are not new but date back to ancient times. It is a classic headwear that has come down from one generation to another. If you are interested in creating the same style and impression, you must know how to wear it. More so, the places from where you can get your perfect fedora hat that suits your taste is another part of the story.

Understand your headwear in detail

You must understand what a fedora hat is. It is a far simpler question that requires a detailed answer. Remember that the modern use of the term is very different from what it stood for in historical usage. Colloquially, people used the word fedora for describing any felt hat. It only reflects the ignorance of individuals about hat-wearing and different categories. For a consolidated and general understanding of hat style, you must comprehend the fedora hat in terms of its features.

A men’s fedora hatis also known as snap brim that is a category of soft felt headwear with an indented crown that is approximately four to six inches in height, and the brim is two to four inches wide. The crown gets pinched at the intersection point of the sides and the top; it stands as a hallmark. You can wear the fedora hat according to your style and preference. Although, you may find limited variations in fedora style, which are listed below:

•    The crown:  The crown is the top portion of the hat, which you can shape in multiple ways. It is available in different styles, such as center and diamond crease. The bent-sized and creased aspect of the hat is an infinite combination.

•    The brim: The brim of the fedora hat gets finished with various finishes and positions. It comes with a basic brim that is left unfinished and cut, trimmed with the help of a ribbon, sewn, or finished with an edge. Hence, it is a characteristic feature of vintage fedora hats. You can wear the brim at an angle upward, downward, or back. It comes with adjustable straps to serve the wearer’s taste, and therefore it has got the name snap brim.

•    The pinch and material: The sharpness and location of the pinch vary from one hat to the other. Along with this, you find fedora hats in multiple fabrics that get constructed to suit the wearer’s taste. Felt hats are matted fiber derived from various sources like cashmere, rabbit, or wool.

•    Decoration: Fedora hats are available with a ribbon or fabric band, which sits above the hat brim. Some fedora hats are also available with a feather that works as a decoration.

After you are clear with the basic definition of a fedora hat, it’s time to get back to the history of fedora hats. Remember that the modern fedora hat is a reincarnation of the classic fedora hat, which is a desirable style.

Go back to history

With the turn of the century, hat-wearing became a prerequisite of every dress code and gentlemen’s appearance. It strictly dictated how appropriate it was to wear headwear for different social events. A man of status and stature would have a collection of headwear which included bowler hats, top hats and flat caps. The word fedora emerged for the first time in the early 1890s. It got featured in different Hollywood movies where the actresses wore a soft, creased felted hat. These soft felt headwear were a status ensemble of the middle and the lower class individuals who possessed one or two hats. 

By the mid 20th century, this classic style started becoming an irrevocable fashion accessory for criminals and gangsters. At that time, Hollywood movies and TV shows began featuring fedora hats with a negative character. Only the upper section of society remained loyal to this style of accessory. Over the years, the fedora hat has amalgamated different features and stood the test of time. The fashion industry is incomplete without this magnificent accessory.

How will you wear the hat?

Be clear about what type of look you want to gain. If you wish to create the same impression as Hollywood stars or a gangster look, it depends on your taste and style. Remember that there are varied options in fedora hats that will look best when you wear them well. You can go for the classic appearance or the modern fedora hat of Americanhatmakers.com, which gives you a degree of familiarity. Also, you may go for the vintage style and pair them with a well-fitted suit and a tie.

If you want everybody to devote attention to your hat, keep all the other elements to the minimum. Fedora hats pair well with jackets and jeans. You can go for a suit jacket, overcoat, or a blazer that remains a formal accessory to go down well with a fedora. Along with this, you may create a bold statement when you play with different colors and symbols.

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