The use of a wheelchair helps to improve the quality of life among individuals with decreased mobility. It helps boost confidence, making life easy for the patient and the family. Like other mobility aids, the usage of a pushchair requires some understanding on the user’s part to prevent injury. Keep in mind the different types of pushchairs, the self-propelled and the power wheelchair. The patient must acquire the one that suits their needs the best. However, people who love to travel must look out for the lightest wheelchair available.
Understanding the technique of using a wheelchair
A wheelchair must be appropriately operated to benefit from its features like other assisting devices. Without adequate knowledge about the function of a pushchair, one can suffer from an unexpected accident leading to injury. Therefore, it is fundamental to be aware of the safety guidelines and apply them in the operation of a pushchair.
Here are a few key aspects to recognize to ensure the safety of the equipment that walks you around:
Getting familiar with your assistant device
There are several types of wheelchairs in the market suiting individual needs. Therefore, it is essential to acquire knowledge about the posture you possess. Learn the different types of controls and keep understanding their functioning to move around with ease and comfort.
Understanding the function of brakes
One of the most critical traits of using a wheelchair is comprehending the location and function of its brakes. Like any other vehicle, a wheelchair requires brakes to stop when you have reached the destination. It also prevents accidents in case somebody comes your way. Brakes help to get in and out of a pushchair. They get located on the rear end of the wheelchair above the wheels. The user can use the brake levers by moving them down and pulling them up.
Ensuring the comfort of your wheelchair
Another important consideration of operating a mobility aid such as a wheelchair is to ensure that the seat and backrest are comfortable. Individuals operating a wheelchair often sit on it for long hours. Under such circumstances, an uncomfortable seat on the backrest would lead to poor posture and sometimes injury. Therefore, you must make sure that the cushion on the seat and backrest is relaxing for the user.
Learning how to propel forward on a pushchair
Patients who are permanently in a wheelchair often prefer equipment that allows them to move. However, they must acquire adequate knowledge regarding its movement. The patient must hold the wheelchair from the hand rims available at the back of the device, pushing it forward and down alternatively. For taking a turn on your assisting device, you must use the hand-rim of the opposite direction after slowing down. The most important part of preparing a wheelchair is to know how to stop it when required.
Learning how to prevent blisters
Patients who use a manual wheelchair get blisters on their fingers due to constant friction. Therefore, it is necessary to opt for an electronic one acquiring comfort and minimizing strain.
Temporary users of a wheelchair must wear gloves to protect themselves as they move about on a pushchair.