8 Ways Divorce Could Change Your Life for the Better

Not to paint marriage as some sort of personal prison, but there are a lot of positives to a divorce that maybe don’t get given enough attention before making the decision. Most people will dwell on why the relationship is failing rather than looking past it, understandably.

With the new no fault divorce that’s available to the UK since April 2022, couples are now being able to separate with the least animosity possible, of course no break up is really without hurt feelings.

If you’re thinking of a divorce, or in the process of having one and you need a little positivity, then here are 8 ways your life could improve after a divorce…

1. Feeling of Freedom

Having a newfound freedom after a divorce can be simultaneously scary and exciting. If you’re going through a divorce the likely hood as that there was a lot of conflict leading to this point.

Perhaps you felt your ex-partner stood in the way of things for you, now you’re free to explore and try new hobbies out without worrying about how they feel about it.

2. Improved Moods

As mentioned, you may have been wrapped up in a lot of conflict lately. This affects your mood on the daily, removing the conflict from your life and cutting ties with someone who perhaps doesn’t mean to bring you down, but does, will rapidly improve your moods.

3. Living More Independently

You meet someone, you fall in love, and your life can easily become engulfed by them and whatever responsibilities that come with it such as children. Sometimes, we forget how to be independent, and most people struggle to regain this after a divorce.

Living independently without your ex-partner means you can make your own life decisions without thought of how they feel or will react. The more time you spend alone the better you will know yourself.

4. More Time to Yourself

Women are the ones who mostly lose themselves within a marriage, especially if they become a mother. There isn’t many opportunities between holding up a marriage and being a parent where people get much time to themselves.

When you get divorced, time with children should be split equally between two parents meaning you will have times without as much responsibility. You may find yourself having a weekend to yourself which may not have been an option previously.

Whether it’s relaxing or getting away and trying out solo travel, you now have the option for such opportunities.

5. Second Chances of Love

Going through a divorce means you have put a lot of thought and energy into why that relationship failed. This is a good thing and has possibly made you wiser to what you need and want from a future partner.

With 53% of marriages ending in divorce you can imagine a lot of other people have gone through the same thought process, so you certainly wouldn’t be alone in the sea of adults looking for a second chance.

6. Taking Back Control on Mental Health

Often, it’s easy leading up to and during a divorce, to feel completely out of control. It’s a huge change for people to go through and it can cause feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.

It’s a good idea to surround yourself with people who love and support you to help you through and help you take back control of your mental health. It might be a good idea to look into therapy in order to help you out.

7. Stronger Relationships with the Children

When there’s two parents together, it’s rare you get to take the kids out on your own and spend time with them one on one. After a divorce you can spend time with them and have undivided attention and quality time.

This allows the children to get to know you as an individual as well as feel closer to you as they value the time spent. Having time away from each other allows them to miss you and have a newfound appreciation for each other. 

8. Moving Forward in Your Own Way

Whether you move on to someone else, or completely solo for a while, you can choose to do it in whatever way you want. Here’s a couple of ideas you can use to help start something new and bring variety to your life both solo and socially:

  • Start a new hobby, i.e salsa, gym classes, pottery, art classes.
  • Learn a new language
  • Visit places alone
  • Solo dates with yourself

Some people find it hard to adjust to being alone, but there is plenty of advice and help including online forums to help with these feelings. 

An opportunity for new beginnings…

Whether you’re going through a divorce or contemplating one, this article has given you some positive spins to an emotionally draining process. Remember to go easy on yourself, everything happens for a reason and this could be an opportunity for a fresh, happier start in life.

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