6 Ways To Make Life With An Ostomy Easier

Having a stoma can be a life-changing experience that requires plenty of care and attention that you will not be used to. However, there are several ways to make the transition easier and in time, it will feel a natural part of you just like your arms and legs. Read on for our top tips to help your adjustment into life with an ostomy.

Keep It Clean

This may sound obvious but it really is vital. One of the biggest risks can be an infection so keeping the site bacteria-free is your priority. Keeping it clean will also help with irritation – one of the number one issues people have after an ostomy.

Purchase Some Powder

Talking of irritation, you can buy medicated powders that can ease the itch. The fluids that pass through your stoma are packed with digestive enzymes which can easily inflame and irritate the skin. This is totally normal and can be exacerbated by the strong adhesives and seals used to prevent leaks. A powder will help stop the soreness allow your sensitive skin to recover.

Plan Your Meals

Eating a healthy diet is something everyone can benefit from, but particularly if you have a stoma. Keeping a balance of carbs, good fats, and protein, as well as fiber, will mean that the output from your stoma will be regular. Keep on top of leafy greens and plenty of other fruits and veggies but be sure to keep an eye on any foods that may be causing you irritation and remove them from your meals if needed. When you eat is just as important as it is far easier to empty your bag when your stomach is empty. If possible, do not eat less than three or four hours before bedtime when you would usually change your bag as it will make your task cleaner and more straightforward.

Get Yourself Some Specialised Underwear

Did you know there is underwear out there specifically for ostomy patients? They include handy7 little pouches that will keep your bags safe and secure, so you’ll no longer be worried about them slipping.

Join A Support Group

Reports show there are over 450,000 people in the USA alone with stomas. Joining a support group, whether it be online or through your local community is a great way to swap stories and experiences with people you can relate to.  Reducing the stigma around stomas is important, so if you don’t have a group in your area why not set up your own? Ostomy life is far easier being able to spend time with those who know exactly what you’re going through.

Make Your Peace

One of the biggest challenges is mentally coming to terms with the changes in your life that an ostomy brings. Getting on board with your situation and understanding that it is there to save your life is all part of the process. Once you’ve made your peace with your new lifestyle it will become easier to adjust.

Have you had an ostomy? Let us know your tips for adjusting to life afterward in the comments to inspire others.

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