What Do Companies Check When They Send You For Medical?

The pre-employment medical is a crucial step that many companies take before hiring their new employees. This practice is essential as it ensures that candidates are mentally and physically fit to work for the company. It also helps companies maintain their reputation and productivity by employing healthy individuals who can perform their duties efficiently.

Pre-employment medicals may vary from industry to industry and from state to state, but they usually involve standard procedures like blood tests, drug tests, general health tests, and vision examinations. The tests’ complexity depends on the job’s post, with higher posts requiring more thorough and challenging tests.

If you are preparing to join a new venture, here is all you need to know about the pre-employment medical you may have to undergo. 

Pre-employment Physical; What To Expect

As mentioned earlier, the tests vary from position to position and industry to industry. Not all tests are the same. However, you can get a general idea about what to expect. 

An Average Pre-Employment Medical Includes

  • General questions regarding the medical history of the candidate and his parents, as well as his current lifestyle.
  • Blood pressure, vitals, and height and weight measurements. 
  • A thorough physical examination.
  • Drug and alcohol screening.
  • Vision and hearing examination.

This is just the tip of the iceberg; as per the position offered, your test can go longer or shorter; here’s what you need to know about your pre-employment medical in detail. 

Types of Pre-employment Medicals

General Pre-employment Medical

The general pre-employment medical includes the candidate’s weight and height check, as well as his blood pressure and other vitals. It is fundamental. You will also be checked for any respiratory and cardiovascular issues. The doctor or nurse may also quickly examine your vision and hearing range. You may also ask to go for a reflexes examination if you are applying for a post of a commercial driver. 

A physical examiner will also look for any apparent bruises, cuts, or swellings that may indicate an underlying injury. You will be asked questions regarding that, so be prepared. You will also get questions regarding stress, anger management, and other behavioral issues. Lastly, you must let the examiner know about the medication you take and for what reasons. 

Physical Fitness and Stamina 

For industries that may include heavy machinery and labor handling, the following may be added to your lists of tests. 

  • Flexibility
  • Fitness and Muscle Power
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Balance
  • Attitude under physical pressure
  • Drug screening test

You may even go for an extreme drug test to ensure public safety. These may include, 

  • Urine drug screening
  • Hair drug and alcohol screening, 
  • Saliva drug screening 
  • Sweat drug screening. 


pre-employment medical examinations constitute an essential aspect of the hiring process and are legally mandated in several industries. It is imperative to approach these examinations with a sense of preparedness and confidence, particularly if you have nothing to conceal concerning your health. By doing so, you not only contribute to the safety and efficiency of the company’s operations but also demonstrate a commitment to maintaining optimal physical and mental wellbeing.

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