Have you ever stopped to give any thought as to why certain, the essential life knowledge and skills aren’t taught in schools from an early age? In the real world, it seems almost pointless to spend vital learning time being told what Pythagorean theorem is and how to get to a square pie by using some math wizardry. Probably makes the teacher feel a tad superior but, for goodness sake, what about the stuff that actually matters?
As a student there will be numerous relationships going on, both consciously and unconsciously and, like a changing of the wind they can go up and down in terms of their integrity based on a wide variety of factors. Most of these are completely out of anybody’s control although, a large number of people grow up to think that they have way more control over others than is either healthy or humanly possible!
Relationships make the world go around, although some may choose to argue money is responsible for that one, try making or spending that money without any relationships whatsoever…. Kind of like getting yourself a strap on with no one to dance with… A lack of understanding or appreciation of how important healthy relationships are can determine what kind of shape a person’s life takes, relationships mean everything
The stronger and healthier your relationships are, then you stand a much better chance of being successful in whatever you choose to do! Why on earth then, are these basic principles not dealt with at infant/junior/secondary school?
Money Management
An inability to manage one’s own personal finances is the largest contributing factor to the insane amount of people working and living day to day just so that they can pay off their debts. It’s a sad old life really when you come to think about myself, according to experts, the majority of people will live their entire adult life in/paying off debts. The entire subject is a massive concern and, it’s a much bigger issue than just everyday lenders and consumers, it’s so big in fact that the world replies upon borrowing and lending.
It’s sad really because people are almost taught and encouraged to get into debt as if it’s perfectly normal. The future of finance and people’s ability to be financially self-sufficient looks very uncertain without them having to rely upon others to put food on the table or to provide the financial backing for them to buy whatever it is that they can’t afford at that time.
Understanding What a Utility Bill Is And Why It Should Be Paid
Wouldn’t it be great if there was an option to plead ignorance based on not knowing what on earth you are being expected to pay? Sure, the company name will be on the notice you receive for payment but, unless you understand what you are looking at, and have budgeted for each and every bill that you are likely to receive every month…. It could be an easy option to throw it to one side and forget about it for as long as possible.
Some people may say that these chunks of essential life knowledge and skills have nothing to do with academic schooling, and they’d be right to say that. However, if most parents knew everything that’s been discussed then there wouldn’t be a generation of people in their mid-20’, or early 30s who haven’t got a clue.
If parents don’t know, somebody that does need to educate the youngsters who will be responsible for the earth that they live in when their time comes.